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On Positioning, Vampires, Zombies, Voting/Boating Records and Competition

12 Day 462, 15:56 Published in USA USA

Hello again Delaware and to the few who actually read this paper. It seems the only time I take time to write an article is when it's election season, or if I have something "important" to say, which , as is evident, not that often.


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My bid for re-election

1 Day 458, 20:56 Published in USA USA

Well, It's that time again, where everyone and their brother will tell you that you should vote for them, because they can make the eWorld a better place.

Vote for me in Delaware, I can make the eWorld and eDelaware a better place. Seriously,

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End of the Week Congressional Report.

5 Day 437, 07:19 Published in USA USA

So, with the first week of my inaugural term as a Congressman, has certainly been interesting. As the 13th Congressional term came to a close, the hard work that all congressman put into the CPTA will probably be what they're known for. For us of

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Taking Umbridge (the Korea conundrum)

0 Day 433, 08:02 Published in USA USA

I have decided to take this opportunity to enact my 1st amendment rights.

Let me start out by saying that I believe IngSoc (The Party) to be a laughable institution, they're a joke, a party-wide equivalent of ML. I don't agree with what they

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A sincere thank you.

4 Day 433, 06:57 Published in USA USA

Thank you.

Since it's award season, this sounds a lot like an acceptance speech. I promise I'm not gasping or crying.

First off, I'd like to thank Nathan Woods, Kyle321n, Leroy Combs, and William Shafer, the heads of the Nationalist Party.

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