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A petition to be named Global Scapegoat.

19 Day 528, 15:28 Published in Estonia Estonia

Recently, the global situation is going off the deep end, everyone yelling at each other, and no one wanting to take the blame for any wrong doing. It's really screwing everything up, and it's only leading to more discourse and violence. For this

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An article to address recent events.

3 Day 523, 14:56 Published in Estonia Estonia

I was going to comment on a few other articles, but since there was a bit I was going to say, I decided that it would be more efficient to post in an article instead.

First, "Project 27" failed, I understand as the author of the article, it may

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A Call to the American Public

3 Day 522, 09:11 Published in USA USA

As many of you know, the new countries are all being targeted for their gold. Despite announcing our nuetrality for the time being we in Estonia drew the Hungarians. Many of you in America will most likely be voting in elections where the difference

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Project 27: The Day Before the Day Before the Elections

3 Day 520, 16:49 Published in Estonia Estonia

Today is the last day you can declare yourself a congressional Candidate. With about 8 hours left before the reset the Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond (SDE), actually has enough candidates to run the max in every region. Now not everyone is approved by

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Project 27: Mobilization, Registration, and a paragraph of campaign spam.

8 Day 518, 02:58 Published in Estonia Estonia

So, I would have liked to have posted this a few days ago, but a few things kept me from doing so. But here is the Voter Mobilization and Registration form for the upcoming elections:

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