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Project 27

16 Day 510, 00:35 Published in Estonia Estonia

So with the Party Presidential elections coming up soon, the day after is when people can declare themselves a Congressional candidate. As we all know, the most important election for a new country, and one they must win, are the Congressional ones.

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A Long Awaited Introduction

4 Day 505, 23:57 Published in Estonia Estonia

I have waited so long to say this, GREETINGS!!! From a fellow eEstonian citizen. I have played this game for nearly a half a year, and one of the most upsetting things to me was the absence of Estonia. I am not a RL Estonian, nor am I , to my

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My endorsement, for what it's worth.

4 Day 490, 19:27 Published in USA USA

As most of you know by now I'm not running again in Delaware. However, I still care who represents my homestate, and would like the best candidate to win. That is why I'm supporting and will be voting for Hari Michaelson to be the next Delaware

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Israeli Party Elections, an open call to eUS citizens

5 Day 481, 03:12 Published in USA USA

Some of you know how hard the US fought for Israeli Independance, in fact many of you fought for it yourselves. There has been a rash of Political takeovers in smaller, supposedly weaker countries, basically larger countries preying on them to get

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I Don't Give a ROT13 What You Think About Me.

8 Day 465, 13:57 Published in USA USA

On Delaware and Elections

I would like to thank the people of Delaware for re-electing me to be the representative from our fine state. I appreciate your confidence in me, and I'm honored to serve you again. I'm happy to report that I … read more »