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Emilio Sanchez for Congress... Yea!

4 Day 548, 11:31 Published in Canada Canada

Congress for the month of May.

Hello fellow citizens,

I am Emilio Sanchez, and just as past months, I am running with the great CEP. (Join the CEP today!) I am always proud to say I come from Nova Scotia, I have represented it for 7 … read more »

Pssst, I have something to tell you about Emilio's congress bid...

6 Day 545, 11:43 Published in Canada Canada

My friends I have seen the future, and it looks pretty good. Well at first it wasn’t very pleasant… I just seen some guy running to the bathroom, then he tripped, got back up, then tripped again. Then as he finally reached the bathroom he seen the

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Holy Milky Way.. It's Congress Time Again!!

11 Day 520, 12:57 Published in Canada Canada


I did a short rap, so here it is. (I don't like rap, so my rapping abilities SUCK! Do not ask why I did a rap if I hate it, because I don't know.)

Yo yo yo

My name is Emilio and I’m here to say

I want to represent you in the

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Do You Need Wellness? Then Read This!

14 Day 510, 20:29 Published in Canada Canada


Are you finding yourself lacking in wellness? Are you a new citizen that is a couple weeks old, and you noticed your wellness seems to be going down more and more everyday?

Well jump over to the [url=

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Holy Augusts.. Say It Ain't So!

5 Day 487, 23:16 Published in Canada Canada

Now that I have your attention, let me talk to you about an important issue...

Constipation affects millions of hard working people and kids. Mostly Americans because they eat a lot of McDonald's food, which is full of constipation causing

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