Holy Augusts.. Say It Ain't So!

Day 487, 23:16 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez

Now that I have your attention, let me talk to you about an important issue...

Constipation affects millions of hard working people and kids. Mostly Americans because they eat a lot of McDonald's food, which is full of constipation causing ingredients. If you find yourself eating at McDonald's, then you can kiss your happy meal ass good bye.

Oh wait, that is for my day care lesson on how to scare kids away from eating at McDonald's.

Ok, here we go...

Hello fellow citizens,

My name is Emilio Sanchez and I can't believe it's not butter. I really can't!

I am running in Nova Scotia under the incredible super-duper CEP party. Now I know I have little experience in the political landscape. I mean I have only been in congress since I joined the game which was 8 months ago, been mayor and have been Minister of Health and Social Services for 3 terms. But don't let my lack of experience fool you.. It sure fooled me, but don't let it fool you.

Do you want to see the country prosper? Do you want our country to grow? Do you like the fact that the Maple Leafs can play in the NHL, and there is no law stopping them from doing so?

If you answered yes to all of these, then go out and find a job and contribute to society. If you answered yes to these for the purpose of the game, then vote for me.

I could give you a list of all my promises, just like the fancy things other congress members have said and promised, but do you really believe all the stuff other congress candidates say? Do you really think they can deliver and bring back unicorns and catch the elusive tooth fairy.

I will tell you that I do not promise what I can't keep, and I will not promise all kinds of things only to do nothing. I can say that I have voted on every issue, and have talked in every discussion. For you religious folks, every time I vote, I think.. "What would Jesus pick."

I have represented Nova Scotia thus far, and there is no reason why I would not keep representing Nova Scotia if elected again.

So vote for me Emilio Sachez on election day.

If you can't decide. Think to yourself... "What would Jesus do?" Well he would vote for me... Or send me to hell for using his name in this article on a Sunday. But either way vote for me.

If you have any questions, send me a PM.