Do You Need Wellness? Then Read This!

Day 510, 20:29 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez


Are you finding yourself lacking in wellness? Are you a new citizen that is a couple weeks old, and you noticed your wellness seems to be going down more and more everyday?

Well jump over to the Canadian Health Services organization, send 15.45 CAD and 10 wellness will be given to you just like that. Getting your wellness from us is the cheapest way to gain 10 wellness, since other gifts can cost as much as 21 CAD, plus you have to worry about finding someone who you can trust to send those gifts back to you to be of any benefit.

Before you send the money, please make sure your signed up on the eCanada Forums, then go to the Canadian Health Care section on the forums. You will see there are regions within Canada listed. Chose your region and fill out what is asked, like your name, link to your profile etc. This will help us to gift you faster and get more citizens involved on the forums.

Here is a little comparison:

Buy gifts yourself and get someone to donate them back to you as gifts: Cheapest price for a Q1 gift at the moment is 2.14. So it would cost you 21.40 CAD to get the same wellness that we can give for 15.45 CAD. A 5.95 CAD savings.

To buy a Q2 gift at the moment is 4.07. It would cost you 20.35 CAD. We are 4.90 CAD cheaper.

You pay 15.45 CAD when you buy from the Canadian Health Services organization. So save yourself the trouble as well as the cash, and buy your gifts from us.

We also offer help for anyone that has wellness troubles. If your loosing wellness and you don't know why, just send a PM to either Canadian Health Services, or myself Emilio Sanchez, and we'd be happy to assist you in finding a solution that will help you.

For more information on the Health Care Program, click here!.

Thank you,
-Emilio Sanchez, Minister of Health and Social Services

Vote this up so more citizens can see it and so we can get the word out. We could also use any donations you can give whether it's CAD, Gold, or even gifts. Anything will help.