USA Loses FER as War Intensifies in Southeast Asia, Europe, Day 1073

Day 1,073, 15:55 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

Day 1073, a day full of international developments, may be best remembered by what took place through resistance wars (RW), as the eUSA lost control of Far Eastern Russia, a critical high titanium, high stone region it has occupied for months. Action has also intensified between the eUSA and eIndonesia in India and Thailand, while the eUK and eSpain both face invaders who are experiencing greater success in recent days.

eRussia regained Far Eastern Russia via RW, while other
RWs (circled) target the eUSA's Chinese holdings

USA Loses FER Via Resistance War, Other Regions Targeted
In a month in which EDEN and its allies conquered more of Phoenix’s high resource regions, Phoenix struck back on Day 1073 by restoring Far Eastern Russia (FER) to eRussia via RW. Although FER was a frequent target of RWs for diversion purposes, a more spirited effort had taken place on Day 1067; nevertheless, the Resistance Force was only successful for the first time at 11:21 on Day 1073, whenFER fell to Phoenix fighters. The aftermath has witnessed predictable accusations on both sides, but Emerick (gagah) makes an interesting observation and asks if it was fair. It is unlikely that the admin will reverse any outcomes, however.
Meanwhile, ePortugal returned to the map via a successful RW in Azores, while additional RWs on eUSA holdings in eChina are encountering success both at Qinghai and Tibet, two regions held by the eUSA to assist eChina in protecting its own territories. Combine this with eUSA’s ongoing battles in Southeast Asia, and the country’s overseas presence is being challenged and may be in danger of disappearing entirely.

USA, Indonesia Exchange Attacks in Southeast Asia
Following eIndonesia’s Day 1072 swap with eThailand for control of Southern Thailand, eIndonesia gained a border with the eUSA’s Indian holdings, but started a qucik RW for Southern Thailand to delay eUSA advance. Shortly after on Day 1072, a RW commenced for the eUSA-occupied Tamil Nadu; although the RW failed, eIndonesia quickly followed with an attack on the region on Day 1073 at 12:43. While eIndonesia is progressing in this front, the gaming mechanics of the attack are questionable, since the eUSA attacked Southern Thailand one minute earlier at 12:42, and would have theoretically made eIndonesia unable to launch their own attack from a region it needed to defend. Regardless, the eUSA’s strike on Southern Thailand has been progressing in its favor and would give the eUSA a new foothold in Southeast Asia, from which it could attempt to invade eIndonesia’s mainland and remove eSerbia.

eFrance sits on the doorstep of eSpain's capital, as well as eSpain's iron hub

France Marches Towards Asturias, Madrid
Only days after eSpain solidified control of the Iberian Peninsula, eFrance has pulled off a string of victories in taking native eSpanish regions. Victories over eSpanish northern region of Navarre kicked off the successes in its war with eSpain, which were supplemented by a win in eSpain’s wine country, La Rioja. With the ongoing attack against Castilla y Leon, eFrance now moves to the doorsteps of both eSpain’s capital and Asturias, eSpain's major iron hub, and appears to be in no sign of slowing. Although eSpain did open an attack on eFrance’s highly valuable, high stone region of Aquitaine, eFrance is clearly in control and dictating the pace of this front, and has batted aside RW’s opened in the conquered regions.

eCanada is advancing in Great Britain, but will they get help like before, from eNorway or eSweden?

Canada, Ireland Attack UK
Day 1072 included an eIrish attack on the contentious region of Northern Ireland, which eIreland briefly held in September, alongside a strike against Great Britain proper at Wales just after server reset. Northern Ireland fell easily, but eIreland has not attempted any additional incursions against the eUK, and may be content with simply solidifying control over its own island. Also on Day 1072, eCanada built off its previous successes in Scotland by overrunning the eUK’s North West of England, which was followed that with an attack on Day 1073 at 17:02 eRep time against the North East of England. It will be interesting to see if eSweden or eNorway considered joining the eCanadians as happened during the first invasion of the eUK, and if eCanada can approach London without experiencing too much Phoenix intervention.

Bottom Line
The eUSA’s loss of FER is a great gain for Phoenix and a tough pill for the eUSA to swallow. However, there is little to suggest that the eUSA or any of the other neighboring EDEN states would not aim to attack the region once more. International attention is focusing now where many thought it would have weeks ago-- Southeast Asia-- now that eIndonesia and the eUSA are actively sparring. The eUSA will need an inspired effort (or some help from the reclaimed eAustralia) to take on eSerbia and the eIndonesians, but a win in Southern Thailand would put the eUSA one step closer on that path. And time will tell whether eSpain is able to reverse the eFrench advance towards its capital, but this front is relegated to others in international focus at this time.

God Bless America,

Lt. Scheisskopf
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