[SFPOM] On the Way Out

Day 3,708, 15:42 Published in USA USA by Max Tse Tung

Hello Party Colleagues,

The SFP recently went through some changes this term. 

We have revived previous legislation of the SFP Constitution, 

Brought back the Young Socialist Program, 

Worked with TBSP to lower the Work Tax, 

Some weren't very happy with that:

But as you can see the change was already set in Stone.

Set the groundwork for the creation of the General Assembly,

Thank these two wonderful souls for that.

Sent a delegation to the eInternationale to help establish it, 

Had excellent media participation from the FWG and our SP,

Thank you for your effort this term Dillon,

Here are links to all articles published this term as well as the authors and titles:


Love and Revolution
What's in a name?

-Dillon Richards-

[SFPOM] The eInternationale Meeting #2
[SFPOM] The eInternationale
[SFPOM] Mentorship Program and the Work Tax
[SFPOM] Our Congress Candidates
[SFPOM] The Revolutionary Committee
[SFPOM] Let's Do This!

-Leon Gutierrez-

[TT] Sense and Sensibility
[TT] For an internationalist struggle!
[TT] My run for SFP PP
[TT] Changes in the Revolutionary Committee
[TT] SFP Radio Episode Two - Sir Rex and Insight from FUPQ
[TT] A One Big Union idea - need your help

-Maxwell Hanz-

[SFP] Happy Holidays, SFP
[SFP] Declaration
[SFP] Back In The Saddle

-RF Williams-
[FUPQ-09] Be kind to our languages
[FUPQ-08] Stand out
[FUPQ-07] Be reflective when armed
[FUPQ-06] Be wary of the politics of violence
[FUPQ-05] Remember professional ethics

-Jimmy Cincinnati-

Henry French for PotUS?
[SFP] Congressional Update:
Defend Hawaii:
[SFP] Jimmy Cincinnati for Senate?
New Management:


Merry Christmas

-Franklin Stone-

[TTH] Mutual Protection Pacts
[TTH] Happy New Year
[TTH] Merry Christmas...
[TTH] Happy Holidays


We had a revolution and I'm betting you missed it
My Sunday Best and I'm a Sinner!

-Harcourt Fenton Mudd-

SFP Election Reform: a Clarification
Mudd for SFP PP

-King James88-

[Q America] The Rosa Factor and why I support Leon Gutierrez for SFP PP
[Q America] For Those That Think I Am Not Awake
[Q America] The Seed of Doubt and the Future of The Resistance
[Q America] Reaction to tax reduction passed in eUSA Congress
[Q America] Finding Christmas and the New Year Ahead

And, we have launched a highly successful Recruitment Campaign. Thank you to all who were involved in this endeavor as well. We sent out messages to 11 new players. 

We have done quite a lot this term and I am very impressed by the Activity and Work that all of you have put into making this game better. I also want to thank the entire Revolutionary Committee for the long debates and many votes it took to give the party what we have worked for this term. The cabinet and RC started off going a million miles a minute and quickly discovered that we had to prioritize. 

Some of the things I wanted to accomplish this term simply didn't happen due to RL time constraints as well as in-game constraints and prioritization. I will admit that I learned far more this term as your Party President than last time and I hope to carry that knowledge over onto next time. My work for you and this wonderful party is far from over. I hope to have a hand in party leadership again in the future. Thank you all for electing me and believing in me. 

In the meantime, we have an election coming up and with that in mind, I would like to say that a lot is at stake. Every vote will count and one should think very carefully about selecting a candidate this term. There are those who would stop at nothing to bring others down as well as the party. Everyone should try to make conscientious choices tomorrow. Here are my suggestions for The Party Presidential Election:

Farwell for now! 
                         -Max o7

SFP Discor😛 https://discord.gg/pEpPkvG