[NNA] Acroc Made Me Do It!

Day 2,001, 15:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Robalbinio

Firstly if you will excuse me I would like to start on a serious note

The eUK this week has undoubtablty been shook by the sad news of the real life death of prominent player Alexandre Abrantes. My thoughts are of course with his family and those who knew him personally, I never had much to do with him as we swam in different circles, but in the few brief interactions we he seemed a nice chap who was dedicated to what he was doing at the UKPP.
I and the whole eUK will miss his presence very much.
In the end this shocking event put everything into perspective and out of this terrible tragedy I'm glad to say I have seen the best of the eUK. We may fight and argue but in the end we do deeply care about the well being of each other as fellow human beings.

As such this weeks NNA is dedicated to the memory of Alexandre and others we have lost as I attempt to raise a laugh in their memory.

Also support Fallen Brothers Day one of the best causes in a long time.

Acroc takes a seat and addresses his cabinet

Presidents Article

Updates, MPPs, Competitions and a Reminder

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Day 1197 FA Update

eUK Ambassador in eMontenegro

Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

Ambassador for Argentina

Ambassador to Glorious Nations of Finland and Sweden

Ministry of Home Affairs

Get Connected

Ministry of Entertainment

Quiz Results and and Interview with HRH Woldy

Ministry of Health

May Dispatch

Where Your Donations Go

Vote and subscribe to the official Ministry of Defence newspaper for daily fight orders. It can be found here.

King Woldy Looks Resplendent in his New Crown

Armed Forces Strike Stats 11

As usual I completely ignore party politics and try to cheer us up with some good old fashioned satire.

Acroc and Bohemod get caught on a night out to the local pub

Mitte shows she knows how to deal with the pesky Irish

Acroc starts a musical number no one asked for

Butjam counts his ill gotten gold

Financial Times UK May

The Monetary Market 101

A selection of my favorite articles from the week

Are you guys even trying to beat him at acronyms

eUK Memorial Library

An Informative Guide to the House of Commons Part Three: All Things Forum

The Royal Quiz: May

Contingency 1: 19 Miles from Hell