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A Change in the United States

0 Dia 488, 15:27 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Uncle Sam, the President of the United States, has resigned.

He took this decision due to the pressure and scandal that has come up during the time of his administration. Most people remember him for his controversial decision to invade … mais informações »

Events Across The Pond

0 Dia 478, 18:06 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

The United States-Mexico War has been under much criticism for the USA's unauthorised actions to declare war against Mexico. Recently, the US has been negotiating with both ATLANTIS and PEACE.

ATLANTIS: ATLANTIS has demanded that the US

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America's War Games

5 Dia 468, 19:15 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

As many people have noticed by now, the United States has declared war on their neighbours to the south, Mexico. Soon after this, three regions were conquere😛 Baja, The Northeast and The Northwest.

What was the reason for America to declare war?

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An Inexperienced Army

5 Dia 465, 19:00 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

2.28. What is this number? It is the average strength of the UK Army. On an international level, the UK is 44th out of 48 when it comes to the strength of the army. The lowest is Australia with 2.18. Here is a list of the top ten countries (by

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Let's Talk About Unemployment

9 Dia 457, 17:21 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has the second worst unemployment rate in eRebublik, with 63.35% of our citizens unemployed. Only Sweden has a higher rate with 67.10%. Below is a list of the top 10 countries (by experience points) and their unemployment rate.

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