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The official paper of the Dharma Initiative

Congress Review: 26/4/09 - 1/5/09

3 Dia 528, 17:05 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

As I had promised in my manifesto for Congress, here is the first of a weekly recap of what has been going on in Congress and more.

Congress: The latest Congressional elections have brought many new faces to Congress. The 25th April

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South Africa: The War for Liberation

0 Dia 526, 20:29 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Just an hour ago, South Africa's Congress decided to vote on a declaration of war against [url=

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Victory Speech (Congress April 2009)

2 Dia 523, 11:57 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

I could not get much sleep, I was too anxious to see how the Congressional elections were progressing. Finally, the day in eRepublik ended, and there it was, I was elected as Congressman of the South East. I want to thank all of you who voted for me.

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Election Day Rally

1 Dia 522, 10:54 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

As every knows, today is Congress Election Day. I'm going to keep this article short and to the point.

For those who have yet to vote, vote! Vote smart, read the manifestos. If you are still undecided, then I recommend voting TUP!

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Stefan1992 for South East Congress!

4 Dia 519, 20:19 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Fellow citizens of the South East,

I have decided to run for Congress this month, and wish to represent you. I have lived in the South East for almost all the time (I spent a couple of days in Romania). Therefore, I know the South East region

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