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Final Destiny on Life Support?

3 Dia 503, 20:10 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Most of us know the story behind Final Destiny. For those who don't, here is a brief summary. Final Destiny was once the Prime Minister of the UK, who was backed behind all the left-wing

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Why I Support Malta_1990

5 Dia 501, 13:20 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Tomorrow is Election Day. It is the time when we chose who shall lead this country, so I will vote for the person who is the most qualified, the one with the best ideas, and the best leadership. That person is [url=

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Croatia Declares War on Serbia: What You Can Do

1 Dia 496, 18:21 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Croatia has declared war on Serbia. Why is this important to us? It is important, because we have [url= informações »

Transforming Central Europe

1 Dia 494, 13:44 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Recently, Germany has undergone a transformation. Germany and Austria have recently combined into one nation, Germany-Austria. Not long after this Germany became a member of ATLANTS. PEACE, of course, were infuriated by this, and decided to attack

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Congressional Election Results: March 2009

2 Dia 492, 20:10 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is the complete results for the Congressional elections, March 2009.

East Midlands:

Your Congressmen:

15 votes: Scipio The Great (PCP)
9 votes: SKQ62 (TUP)
6 votes: R-J C (TUP)

Not Qualifie😛

3 votes: Volsung (UKRP)

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