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The official paper of the Dharma Initiative

Live From Romania

2 Dia 517, 21:40 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

This edition of the British Reporter is brought to you from the battlefields that plague Romania. I am currently in Romania as a part of the Wellness Fast Programme. Ask your local NHS clinic

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New UKRP Party President

4 Dia 516, 11:29 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

It has just been discovered that the UKRP has a new Party President. Certacito, who was not a candidate of April 2009's UKRP surprising election, has taken the position. He got the position due to him having the highest amount of experience points

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Spies and Lies

3 Dia 515, 18:58 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

During the past few days, the United Kingdom has been overcome by Spy Fever. Hundreds of comments on posts in the forums, and many newspaper articles have covered scandal, conspiracy, plots, spies and lies. It is time to gather the evidence, the

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PP Elections April 09: Close Races and Conspiracy

1 Dia 513, 10:14 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Yesterday was the Party President Elections, which was followed closely by all of Britain for its surprises and nail biting finishes. In total, 396 people voted in all the parties. Here is a break down by major party.

UKRP: This election

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A Look at the Nation's Newspapers

5 Dia 510, 10:04 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has almost 1600 newspapers. A look at the top ten newspapers shows that some of them are not even active. Here is a breakdown of those papers.

1) [url=http://www.

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