To Ireland; regarding Alliances.

Day 794, 14:09 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Mr Woldy


For as long as I can recall, the eUK and eIreland have been great friends. On a personal level, I used to follow the Irish elections on the 5th, 15th, and 25th just to see if anyone I was familiar with was being voted into office.

The relationship our ecountries share is somewhat unique, a flourishing friendship on a national level mimicked between the citizens of our countries. I'd say with confidence that citizens using IRC and who visit #Ireland or #eUK are going to have made pals with people from both of our countries. This is, afterall a social strategy game, and between eIreland and the eUK, the social aspect of it has shown prominence.


When the word alliance is mentioned in eRepublik, two things come to mind; Phoenix, and it's best pal Eden. Recently, Dubhthaigh past MoF for Ireland, and a member of Dail has began a poll to get a grasp of the public's attitude towards joining Eden, which you can read here.

He lists the Pro's and Con's as being;

- Excitement in the form of future wars.
- Sense of belonging and purpose.
- End of neutrality and potential boost to the economy.
- Protection from the largest alliance in the world.

- Alienation of old friends.
- Risk of invasion and hostilities.
- End of neutrality.
- Small country in a big alliance.

Being in an alliance does open a new aspect to the game. Due to people's natural instincts, small alliances wouldn't co-exist in the new world for very long, meaning that we often see dominating super alliances come and go. Taking part in wars across the world and having spats with each other as they go.

I'm not here to preach to you my feelings on the situation surrounding eIreland's alliance choices, nor am I here to try and influence your decision, wether it be to stay neutral, join Eden, or otherwise. However, I am here to say;

Whichever international stance you decide to take in the eWorld, be it with Eden, be it Neutral, You will always be our friends. As such, even if in competition, we see no need to worsen our great relations or take military action against your nation.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Mr Woldy,

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