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Romania Maneuvers, and the New World Prepares

8 Day 499, 19:33 Published in USA USA

"“Where force is necessary, there it must be applied boldly, decisively and completely. But one must know the limitations of force; one must know when to blend force with a maneuver, a blow with an agreement."
Leon Trotsky

Good Evening

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The AGU Firestorm, and The Ambitions of Hungary

4 Day 498, 18:52 Published in Sweden Sweden

"Divide et impera"
Julius Caesar

Good Evening

Tonight, we discuss recent events in the new battleground between PEACE and ATLANTIS, Germany.

Main Article

It is now clear that PEACE is in a battle centered around pride over

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The AGU Firestorm, and The Ambitions of Hungary

1 Day 498, 18:50 Published in Greece Greece

"Divide et impera"
Julius Caesar

Good Evening

Tonight, we discuss recent events in the new battleground between PEACE and ATLANTIS, Germany.

Main Article

It is now clear that PEACE is in a battle centered around pride over

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The AGU Firestorm, and The Ambitions of Hungary

4 Day 498, 18:49 Published in India India

"Divide et impera"
Julius Caesar

Good Evening

Tonight, we discuss recent events in the new battleground between PEACE and ATLANTIS, Germany.

Main Article

It is now clear that PEACE is in a battle centered around pride over

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The AGU Firestorm, and The Ambitions of Hungary

4 Day 498, 17:39 Published in Spain Spain

"Divide et impera"
Julius Caesar

Good Evening

Tonight, we discuss recent events in the new battleground between PEACE and ATLANTIS, Germany.

Main Article

It is now clear that PEACE is in a battle centered around pride over

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