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A tribute to a funny man

23 Day 2,456, 16:56 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

For those who haven't heard already, Robin Williams has died after a suspected suicide. Robin was one of the funniest comedians I have ever seen and will be a great loss to our world.

Unfortunately, behind the jokes was a massive
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[TMS] Bruck'n Oath Mate!

18 Day 2,449, 17:54 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

When you cast your vote tomorrow remember this, a vote against Bruck is a vote against eCanada! To ensure you vote correctly please follow the instruction below.

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[TMS] Fozzie

8 Day 2,448, 18:38 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

In other breaking news, this dog rocks!

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[TMS] Swedish Chef on the Upcoming Election

14 Day 2,447, 17:29 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

In other breaking news, TemujinBC gives child minding advice.....

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[TMS] Canada's Saviour

16 Day 2,445, 04:35 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

In other news.....

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