[MoFA] Latest News

Day 1,673, 10:45 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Dear citizens of eBelgium,

Sorry for the lack of articles in terms of the MoFA, we shall be releasing more soon, so look forward to more frequent and exciting MoFA articles!

Domestic News
Extending our MPP with China has been accepted by congress after being voted on.

We are also in discussion with other nations about possibly extending MPPs with Brazil, the UK, and Macedonia. We’re doing an overview what MPPs need to be added or reduced, that will benefit Belgium as a whole.

Additionally, we are in talks with other countries about organising a Training War, this is taking some time to discuss whether it’s possible in current circumstances, and who against, but we will let you know soon as possible.

Our ambassadors have also done a good job so far, however we do need a few more positions filled so if you want to help out in the MoFA just PM Lily below and she’ll get you started!

International News

In other news, Brazil has decided to leave Terra after having numerous complaints about how they are treated.


Both France and USA stood by Brazil despite of its decision
(http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mofa-lettre-au-br-eacute-sil-letter-to-brazil-2060101/1/20 http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-potus-entering-a-new-era-2060552/1/20 )

The last official Terra announcement about the whole case and the obscure future of the alliance:


An explanation why Bulgaria NE’d Iran by the Bulgarian president:


The Peace Agreement between Bulgaria and Turkey, that did not last for long:

… And why it was cut off so quickly (unfortunately, only in Bulgarian/Russian):
(http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-1-2061290/1/20 / http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-1-2061422/1/20)

Official rental deal between Slovenia and Italy and much, much more:


That’s all for now, see you soon!

Lily Jayne Summers
Belgian MoFA

Requiem Domine
Belgian vMoFA