[Terra]This is not the end.

Day 1,670, 12:07 Published in USA USA by SenatusPopulusQueRomanus

Over the last few days, Terra has taken a very large blow. One of our founding members, and absolute rocks, has left the alliance. Yes, the rumors are true: Brazil has voted to leave Terra.

As much as ONE would like you to believe, this is not the end of Terra. And as much as some well known politicians would like you to believe, we are not dead. We have taken a blow. But we will take it off our chin, and we will come back up swinging. Because we are Terrans, and nothing will keep us down.

So why did Brazil leave Terra? What pushed them to this point.
There are multiple reasons, and they are all complex. There is no simple answer and there is no right answer.

Romanian PTO
The Brazilians have been dealing with a variety of Romanian groups in their country. Naturally, this happens to any country that holds 100% bonuses, but Brazil felt like the threat from Romania was particularly bad.
They petitioned Terra to block Romania. To declare embargos, and not to renew MPPs.

For the most part, Terra declined this course of action. The government of Romania should not be punished for the actions of it’s citizens. Despite the pain we feel for the Brazilians attempting to rebuff a PTO, calling for Trade Embargoes does not solve the matter. This is an internal Brazilian matter and cannot be dealt with on the international level.

Communication issues in HQ.
There will always be communication issues. No alliance is perfect, and these issues must be worked through. There will be times when you feel like the alliance isn’t listening to you, or it isn’t helping your battles. But the issues that Brazil cited upon leaving have been acknowledged, and we are already working to correct these issues. This will not be a problem in the future. At the very least, we must learn from our mistakes.

All of us in Terra HQ wish Brazil the absolute best, and know that we will remain friends and allies, despite Brazil’s differences with the alliance.

Where does Terra go from here?

We go forward, as we always do. The loss of Brazil is not the death of Terra. This is not the end. It is simply the ending of one chapter.
But today, we turn the page on Brazil and look to the future. There will be new opportunities for us and for other countries to enter the alliance. We will never stop working to improve the Alliance, and means continually exploring our options.

But one thing remains the same, throughout all the turmoil:

We will meet the forces of ONE on the battlefield, anywhere in the world. Wherever they seek to spread their lies and corruption, we will stand against them.

HAIL Canada!
HAIL Cyprus!
HAIL France!
HAIL Germany!
HAIL Russia!
HAIL United States!

And even:
HAIL Brazil!

(Special thanks to Israel Stevens, American CP for his contribution)