WHPR [Day 1,224] Best New Word of the Week Is...

Day 1,224, 16:35 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

1.) Immigration Freeze Melts
2.) Argentina-USA Relation Warms Up
3.) Congressional Kerfuffles
4.) Athanaric Achievement Awards
*.) Excellent Links

Immigration Unfrozen:

In the wake of the successful Congress elections, the freeze on immigration has been lifted.

Congressmen are hereby reminded to familiarize themselves with rules requiring IES approval for citizenship requests. Applicants for citizenship are asked to fill out this form.

Argentina-USA Alliance:

President Glove reviewed the state of the nation and of the world in his recent address, Terra Terra Terra.

Along with providing some lessons in geography, such as the correct map of the Iberian Peninsula...

...Glove made a heartfelt bilingual appeal for Argentine-US friendship. He spoke about getting rid of old hatreds and prejudices and earning respect through our actions.

In a frank and refreshing aside to the Argentine public, he opine😛 "Los gobiernos anteriores de los EE.UU. no apreciaban el valor de Argentina. Esos gobiernos estaban llenos con boludos. Pero los tiempos han cambiado."

(Except maybe for "boludos", which is an Argentine word originating in the Lunfardo dialect, the rest of it should be intelligbile to readers with only a passing acquaintance with the language of Cervantes, so I won't bother translating it for you. As for "boludos", it is now officially my favorite new word of the week.)

Following its agreements with the USA and Germany, Argentina passed an MPP with Chile yesterday.

Congressional Kerfuffles:

A bit of a kerfuffle has disrupted the serene halls of Congress over active military personnel serving in the Senate. Two members have resigned as a result.

As the new session is getting underway, there have also been a few gasps of astonishment as well as a snuffling of opprobrium directed at the Senator from Wyoming, Jovan Tekelija, who is of Serbian origin.

In a tri-lingual public statement, Mr. Tekelija promised not to propose any stupid laws or give away secret information. He also commits to behaving seriously and professionally, in which case he should really stand out from the crowd. In Serbian, he thanked his supporters for voting for him and then provided a brief message in Turkish that simply said, "Learn English. You will need it in life!".

Athanaric Achievement Awards:

In an honorable and interesting Last Will and Testament, former Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of the Media, Athanaric pledged both his good name and a big chunk of his good fortune to the establishment of two awards:

- Athanaric Achievement for Literary Excellence, for the prior month's best writer

- Athanaric Achievement for Upcoming Talent, for outstanding new game talent

Best wishes and happy trails, citizen Athanaric. By this outstanding example, you will be remembered.

Subscribe to and vote every day for WH Press Room (WHPR), and to the papers listed below

- Department of Defense Orders, from the Department of Citizen Orders

- The Vanguard World, President Glove's paper

Do not agree with what is; simply follow the progress of truth. Sometimes following the good requires that we forego a pleasure of the ego. When some part of your self-image would separate you from the truth, let it fall away. The important thing is remaining firm.

-- Commentary on the 3rd line of Sui (the Joyous Arousing, Lake over Thunder)

xio, PQ