I Don't Know But I've Been Told...

Day 1,224, 10:31 Published in USA Serbia by Jovan Tekelija
…Congress medal shines like gold! XD

That was before March the 25th. Nowadays, situation is a bit different.
I made it into Congress.
Thank you, America, for voting me in!
Thank you Wisconsin! Your dairy products have made it all worthwhile!
I am positive I won’t let you down!

Now, some people have been skeptics when it comes to me being in eUS congress. They said I would be bad, cause I’m a Serb.

Now let me tell you something: Us congressmen are mere servants of the eAmerican community. Mere servants, that’s all. So just observe this as me serbing the American community. You do insist on calling us Servs, so why not let us serv a little? 😉

Now, let’s communicate seriously.
-I hereby promise that while in Congress I won’t propose any stupid laws(MPPs with enemies, no-taxes laws, and similar)
-I hereby promise that while in Congress I won’t give out any confidential information to the enemy(as I won’t know any XD)
-I hereby promise that while in Congress I will behave seriously and professionally. I even suited up for that occasion, as you can see above!
-I hereby promise that while in Congress, I probably won’t have any real impact on America. Congress in eRepublik is best described in the following picture:


Упао сам у Коњгрес!
Хвала свим Србима, као и Американцима што су гласали за мене. Сваки глас, али апсолутно сваки је био изузетно вриједан, и до самог краја, буквално до 8 сати се није знало ко ће бити у водству прије пребројавања.
Ова побједа је била права кецмановска:


İngilizce öğrenin.
Hayatta ihtiyacınız olacak!

Jovan Tekelija
Wisconsin Kongre
