Terra Terra Terra

Day 1,222, 19:48 Published in USA USA by Glove

How was your Earth Hour? You know, with the Lights out and whatnot. I do not think many on erepublik participated though because of all the wars going on though and millions of damage being inflicted. Meh.

Yesterday’s political world surprised many of you. Many of you probably had heart-attacks. How could the 3rd largest party in the world only and the largest in our nation only win 5 congressional seats? Simple, they chose to. Had they chosen to run all of their guys, there would be no doubt that many of the current parties would have far less congressman. The INCI and I came to an agreement prior to the elections and the arrangement was basically this:
Inci would agree to run 5 candidates, the rest of their candidates would have to be blockers we provided.
Why? It was an effort to mend relations and good faith. Both sides have had many antagonizing trolls but they were ignored yesterday and level-headed minds prevailed. When I assumed office I was a firm believer in diplomacy and reason, I still hold true to these ideals. I know that for some of you they may seem suspicious, but they kept their promise and it was definitely a step in the right direction. Make of it what you will. I hope that we can return to a stable democracy soon. America avoided a full-blown domestic war, rest easy and sleep well.

In other news:
I’d just like to thank everyone who fought for the liberation of Andalucia from Spain by Terra forces. We must correct the world map and restore the regions stolen by the Spanish to France and Brozil. But seriously, great job guys. Dio would be proud. 😁

The correct map.

We are succeeding on this front but our allies abroad are suffering. We won’t ignore them. Everyone is making huge sacrifices right now and taking massive risks. We will not let good deeds go unrecognized and unpaid.

Yesterday was also an important day because the lovely Argentina proposed an MPP with us. Argentina is a member of Terra. The proposal passed. Needless to say, I am really happy that we are finally MPPed and I understand there was some hesitation from some of their congressman. To be honest, in the past our governments were not exceptional friends to Argentina, but we have never been a die-hardy enemy as well. Now is the time to change that and unite. Recently I have been ordering troops to help our Terra allies, Argentina is no exception. Some of you may have noticed me relaxing in Cuyo, Argentina and fighting for Argentina. It is a nice place, you should check it out.

It is time to rid ourselves of old hatreds and prejudices, it is time to evolve. Trust is not something you can build overnight or be given, you must earn it, and that is why we will support our friends indefinitely, we will become closer.

Un mensaje para los argentinos:
Buenas tardes Argentina. Aca vengo a darles a las gracias a todos los que votaron en favor de esta alianza. Entiendo que hay una crisis política entre BIA. No estoy muy seguro de cómo empezó todo esto, pero se que se he hecho un problema grande. Simplemente quiero expresar mi amor por Argentina. No creo que pueden comprender lo mucho que quiero que nuestros dos países se reúnan. Sé que yo no estaba allí en el pasado cuando los Estados Unidos no era muy buen amigo con Argentina.... Los gobiernos anteriores de los EE.UU. no apreciaban el valor de Argentina. Esos gobiernos estaban llenos con boludos. Pero los tiempos han cambiado. Estamos dispuestos a dar un esfuerzo extra para nuestra hermano Argentina. Hay muchas guerras en este momento, y por eso ahora es el momento de unirnos. Vamos a proteger Argentina lo mejor que podemos, no importa lo que pasa-tengo un amor incondicional para Argentina. Además los dos estamos en Terra. Quiero que Terra funcione bien y por eso tambien quiero que sus miembros se conecten con MPP. Nuestro enemigo es NWO. Entiendo que es duro para que los relaciónes entre BIA se rompen, y además ni quiero que se rompan, por eso les estoy diciendo: Yo respeto cualquier decisión que deciden hacer, pero es importante que siguemos con el MPP.

Dicen que una imagen vale más que mil palabras.... ver para creer dijo el ciego...🙂

Cerré la guerra con Indonesia porque vi todos los problemas que estaba causando entre Argentina e Indonesia. No quiero hacer daño a esta relación. Hablé con los indonesios y les dije que se debe hacer la paz y ser buenos vecinos, estuvieron de acuerdo. Espero que puedan mantener su promesa. Durante la guerra entre Indonesia y EE.UU, Argentina declaró la neutralidad … estoy eternamente agradecido por esto, aunque sé que muchos argentinos lucharon por Indonesia, está bien, puedo perdonar y perdonar hasta que todos ven que USA quiere ser buen amigos con Argentina. Simplemente quiero que sepan que apoyamos a Argentina.

Hail Roto : 3
Hail Terra

President Glove
Glove is Love