WHPR [Day 1,234] Deliberation, Refutation, Retaliation, Conflagration

Day 1,234, 22:46 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

1. Invasion Information
2. Croatian Reclamation
3. Talking bout’ Taxes?!
4. Military v Congress Update
5. Mass Militia Mania
6. Ambassadorial Addition
*. Stuff they make me put in these things.

Notice: The eUs Government has been evacuating citizens in areas subject to possible Spanish Invasion. If you are in a state under the threat of Spanish invasion, send a message here for moving tickets, move to a California or another state in the Midwest, find a group of your teenager compatriots, and begin guerrilla movements against occupying forces. Here’s a manual for those unaware of how to participate in Guerilla Warfare.

We’re a massive country. One state makes almost no difference in the grand battle plan. Keep calm, carry on, follow the DoD, get Involved. Never back down, America.

We may have lost Maryland for the time being, but a much greater victory was achieved. In an incredible battle for the reclamation of the Croatian Homeland, rebel forces from around the globe fought alongside Croatia, and took part in the glory that was Croatia’s 8-0 monumental victory over the forces of Serbia on their turf. As of 05:25 eRepublik time on this day, Croatia stands once more.

The Croatian Ambassador to the eUnited States had this to say on the matter.

What is this I don’t even.
This is preposterous. How can Congress expect to keep our whitehouse whorehouse and congressional candy factory and all the other vital necessities when they’re lowering taxes? We politicos will not settle for sub-par products!

In all seriousness, a combination of efforts by various entities has led the government to have a firm grasp on our Economic situation. The Economic Council has been giving valuable advice towards the proper taxation, and optimal economic policies to Congress, who have in turn evaluated possible changes in taxation. Discussions like this one and this one have ensured that Congress is on it’s toes economically. But not all of these advancements can be attributed to mere internal influences. Recently, iNCi member and Economic Einstein, Kemal Ergenekon, put forth his critique on the current taxation structure of the eUnited States. This article is incredibly in depth, and insightful towards the possible benefits to alterations in the eUS economic makeup, and the supreme amount of effort that went into it merits at least a skim by the Average American.

After days of deliberation, refutation, retaliation, and conflagration, the Military issue still has not been settled. More information has come out about the situation, on both sides. Congressional officials have tried to put out more information about what’s actually happening, and possible solutions. The Military has preferred to let Action speak for itself, notably participating in the liberation of our Croatian Brothers after assistance was requested from the Emerick Administration, showing there is still some form of communication between the Executive and the JCS. The Emerick Administration is still looking into possible contingency plans and compromises. Here’s just a handful of some important opinions:
Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Exile, Bradley Reala
Congressmen, Stanley Ibcus
Chief of Staff, Teucer
Long time Military Leader and Activist, Deificus
Military Enthusiast, Emperor Rick

Free thinking is best thinking.

First of all, famous American born paramilitary organization, Seal Team 6, is currently looking for new recruits. If you’re an American, or aligned with Terra/Eden, have a good level of activity, and preferably have over 500 strength, consider joining this incredible team of elite fighters. Any questions towards their militia can be answered in #ST6-Public

Secondly, today has been a great show of the growing intimacy between the eUnited States and iNCi, and the dying down of some of the tensions from last month. Members of the iNCi Owls Army Militia fought on the side of America today, with their orders directing iNCi members to fight in Maryland against the evil Spaniard threat. Perhaps some cooperation and a common enemy is all we truly need to bridge the gap between the two societies.

So hey you guys, I was skimming through the media today for random articles to entertain my eLife for a few moments. You know, stuff like Blank Keating’s fillings of the holes in my heart or research into the mysterious ways of becoming as G as I can . I was doing this when I stumbled upon the article of a man named G0Pats, and he was telling me all these great things about becoming an ambassador for my country. So I was like, why not!? And I think you might be like that too. So you guys should sign up. Then Jelly stays happy and doesn’t make my life miserable. Everybody wins!

Ambassadors Applications

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Until next time,
Civil Anarchy - at your service.