Just A Game

Day 1,234, 08:14 Published in USA USA by Teucer

As everyone knows, the eUS national military stepped down yesterday and things have been crazy ever since. Sadly, I have had the displeasure of watching the military get torn apart from almost every angle. I have watched it deteriorate from the inside as a member of the TC and AB, which eventually pushed me to a militia (something I would have never considered when the military was at its finest). I got to watch members of Congress slug it out with the JCS over issues of accountability. Then, I got to watch it crumble to the ground from the White House when I took over as Chief Of Staff today.

The JCS points at Congress and screams, “You’re trying to control us!” which is then followed by Congress pointing at the JCS and screaming, “You must obey the law we have set forth or we will make you pay!” This whole mess has been nothing more than exchanges of threats and angry tirades. Too much of it is role playing by people trying to be more important than they really are and in the end it is the regular player who pays the dearest. All so a few players can wield their power and protect their positions.

Everything has changed now and things have been set in motion that cannot be undone. While the military has stockpiled money, it will not survive in its current state after it goes broke. Players will leave for militias and the military will lose parts of its community, which is too bad considering how awesome the mil community is. As for the government, it will move on. It has already begun the process of creating a new national military and reforming the Constitution in hopes of rebuilding. Then, new Congresses will be elected and new ideas will come forth. This is the nature of the game.

The big thing that needs to be taken from this fiasco is that this is a game. We are on red team with EDEN and Terra and blue team is compromised of NWO. There are no separate communities. If America dies, so does Congress and the military. Constant bickering between those parties will cause a repeat of what has happened yesterday and damage America’s ability to wage war all over again. With that being said, I have some advice for the future.

To Congress: Speak softly and carry a big stick. You may control the budget and military funding, but you do not flaunt it. You do not throw it in the face of the military and make demands. That will only serve to piss off the military and make you look like power mongers. Take small steps toward change and consider your words carefully lest you will only waste time and push others away. You are the people’s voice, so act like it. You are a representative first, politician second.

To the current and future members of the eUS National Military: You are not an after school club that can do anything you please (especially when you eat up 50-70% of the budget). You do not have a right to anything given to you by the eUnited States government and you don’t push the buttons. Keep those things in mind and make strides to work with people in politics. Sure, not all politicians understand the military, but always be the bigger person. Always put the people first, even if it hurts your own agenda. When you sign up for the military that is what you are agreeing to do, always remember that.

With the new Executive administration in place we are working hard to mend the rift between our military and Congress, but that will require effort from both sides. Compromises will need to be made and players will need to stop treating other citizens like the enemy. If we don’t, this country will get hammered by our true enemies. You can’t be a Congressman with no regions and you can’t be a soldier with no country to fight for.