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The Keating Manifesto - Pick Me in New Mexico

12 Day 1,247, 10:36 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

This is a platform article. If you don't care about voting for me, are an international reader, and/or don't care about my sense of humor, you may move on and save a couple minutes of your life.

[img][/img] … read more »

SWAG: Stuff We All Get

37 Day 1,241, 19:19 Published in USA USA First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

America, I'm bored. I'm also rich in Q1 food. To be precise, I have over 1000 foods. That's worth about $700, true fact.

There's one stipulation: I don't care about $700.


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The Truth.

19 Day 1,235, 14:36 Published in USA USA

There has been some talk lately about the "politics vs. military" debate. One detriment to the military is that the military can be blanketed, it's easy to say "the whole military sucks" but you can't say "the whole politics sucks". Some military

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Just What America Was Missing

55 Day 1,233, 18:59 Published in USA USA

You know what eRepublik needs? Achievements.

"Hey Blank, aren't medals like achievements?"

No. Medals are too few to be achievements, and they give you gold. Achievements must be completely useless and much more random.

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Give Militias A Chance

30 Day 1,225, 18:34 Published in USA USA

America, today I write you not as a salesman, nor as a recruiter, but as a friend. It's been a while since a militia has had a media presence, and I've been seeing some misconceptions about them lately. I thought I would clear the air, starting with

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