Who Should I Vote For? Part III - Politcal Takeovers

Day 490, 03:46 Published in USA USA by mjdiv

Political Takeovers (PTOs) are a weapon of war that happens off of the battlefield and costs a lot less money for the country to do. This happens when one country inserts people into other countries to run for office and, if successful, can ruin the country they've taken over or change the policies of that country to be in favor of the country they came from.

PTOs can occur in a variety of ways. One of the most common ways:
1. Someone from an enemy eCountry comes into your country a week before elections (often establishing themself in a state/territory that isn't well-populated).
2. They join one of the top 5 political parties, so that they can officially run for congress/president.
3. They announce that they are running for congress/president (obviously with the CHANGE that the people are waiting for! 😛).
4. On the day of election, people from the enemy country buy moving tickets to your country so they can vote for their candidate in the elections.
5. Legitimate eCitizens of your country vote for the person representing the party they belong to and elect the enemy into their congress/presidency.
5. The newly elected congressman/president then disrupts the country by voting on programs, donating gold to their personal organizations, and starting wars that are not beneficial to your country.

Can this happen in the eUS? Since we are a large country with many different congressional seats, it would be difficult to do. But it is still possible for enough "new" candidates to get into congress that would be disruptive to our system - voting yes on the "lulz" proposals like increasing minimum wage to 500 USD/day or 50% income taxes.

How can we stop something like that from happening?
1. Know who your candidate is. Do not be fooled by high experience levels (they may have gotten that experience in their own country) or the fact that they can write articles in your language (although misspellings and bad grammar can often give this away).
2. Do not simply vote for the party you represent without researching the candidate. They know that most people do not research and will simply press the vote button that has the picture of the party they recognize on it. However, it may be a member of a party that opposes yours that is the true citizen of your country.
3. When you take a look at the people running for congress/president, look to see who their friends are. What country are most of their friends from? It's okay to have friends in other countries, even enemy ones, but when the majority of their friends are from an enemy country, that is a red flag. Or do they have many friends at all? Make sure you know who you are voting for.

4. As unlikely as these are to pass, do not put up "lulz" proposals - these are excellent opportunities for rogue congresspeople from abroad to cast their votes for this nonsense and no one would know who voted yes or no - what would happen to your country if these ridiculous proposals actually passed?

Although I may not necessarily agree with all of the policies of the following people, I can assure you that these are legitimate citizens of the eUSA who are running for congress tomorrow and you should vote for people like these (they are of different parties and I've intentionally not listed their party affiliation, so that you can look at legitimate citizens who care about their country, but may or may not be affiliated with your party):

Alabama - Richard Brophy

Arizona - istarlan - http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dcdx2jm4_25hs9844c8

Florida - Ananias

Georgia - Matthew29

Idaho - dbuck2001

Illinois - NeilP99

Indiana - Kyle321n

Louisiana - Bienville

Maine - Gilroy

Massachusetts - changewillcome

Mississippi - Bill Brasky

Missouri - Jomichka

Montana - HeadmistressTalia

New Hampshire - Joey James Smith

New Jersey - Tiacha

North Carolina - Muljo Gobet

Ohio - GoBucks

Oklahoma - Ricky Blair

Oregon - ssomo

Rhode Island - SamWystan

South Dakota - Joshua Hoss

Utah - Knojerakk

Washington - Inwegen

Remember to vote tomorrow for those who represent YOU and not necessarily just who is using your party affiliation to run for office. For those in the smaller population states - definitely research your candidate and make sure you cast your vote; these are the people that will have the most effect on your "lulz" for the next month!

Vote this up before election day! Have fun and enjoy another day in eRepublik!