Vote For Nithraldur

Day 562, 07:50 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

This is a political appeal from the newspaper 'Severin Says' to vote for Nithraldur on election day (ouch, an openly biased newspaper). Ever since I started this newspaper I have been encouraging people to get more involved in politics in eIreland. I did my best to inform the people on the issues and hope some of my efforts proved fruitful. Now you may ask why vote for Nithraldur? Is it because I am his running mate? I assure you the role of the Vice President is merely a formality and an advisory role and I get nothing but a title out of it (quite frankly I think the role is a little pretentious). What does Nithraldur get out of it? He doesn't need the experience or gold and has already experienced what being President is like. Simply put he is offering his time and experience (as he has done in the past) to improve eIreland. The eIrish electorate may choose to accept this or not and I will outline my reasons why I think people should vote for Nithraldur. This will not simply be a recap of the election promises (action is much more important than words). If you want where he stands on issues check out his extensive manifesto: here.

One of the most important policy areas: Foreign Policy

Firstly, since Nithraldur became President eIreland's foreign relations have greatly improved. Just take the example of the United States and look at this recent article. Even among times when our relationship with the United Kingdom was threatened Nithraldur along with our Minister of Foreign Affairs Eamon managed to rectify the situation and solved the problem with our relations actually being improved and upholding our treaty with them. With my help, we managed to get the ground work done for an international conference hosted by eIreland. While I'll admit it was not the great success I anticipated it at least was a genuine effort to get eIreland out there and on the map. We spoke to many Presidents and delegates across the world and managed to start discussions on various global topics. This inevitibly improved our relationship with many countries. While Nithraldur was President he managed to secure many key relations this can be seen in the United State's current President's endorsement of Nithraldur. eIreland's foreign relations are so high at the moment that we were held in high esteem by our neighbours, many of which really want us to join an alliance with them. Give Nithraldur another month and our foreign relations will be even better. Or do people want change? *cough* espionage, blackmail, intimidation... Foreign Policy is just one example of an area Nithraldur excelled at.

Action and Experience Over Enthusiasm and Promises?
Nithraldur has a multitude of experience and knowledge of this game.He has been here since early last year and unlike many of his 'senior' colleagues he has remained active in eIreland throughout that duration (except for two weeks in Belgium). Not only that, he is very active and available to talk to people for an impressive proportion of each day. I don't know where people are getting the idea the last administration wasn't accessible. Me and Nith are not on some Ivory Tower, we are available to answer all questions from the public everyday. I have a lot of respect for Starks Hayter and Aran Tal however they are simply too inexperienced to take over the Presidency. The two have been in eRepublik for over three months. So the question you have the ask on election day is simple: Do you want someone who has been here for over 100 days or someone who has been here for over 550 days in power? In short, Nithraldur is the most the qualified man for the job and has proved his capabilities over the last month. In the future who knows. We do not need change and new blood just for the sake of it and there is little logic in throwing away an administration that has done a good job.

The Administration is Not a Circus!

All this nonsense about making eIreland more fun starting to look more and more ridiculous. I have said it in my previous article and I'll say it again here, this game is a political, economic and military simulation. The only people who change the mechanics are modders and admins. All we can do is provide more opportunity for social interaction and Nithraldur (like the opposition) have promised to do this. If you find this game boring find another game that suits you. After the election I can assure you nothing is going to change (despite endless promises) to fundamentally improve your enjoyment of eRepublik. If you want trivia questions why don't you check out this website: here. When I started eRepublik all I did was eat, work and train (a tedious daily routine true). I quickly began to realize you have you to make your own fun in eRepublik (and you can do that without insulting people). So I started to write articles and I got involved in the economic and political aspects of the game. Rather than wait for 'magical' promises of fun why not become more involved in core aspects of the game like I have done. On a final note, if you want some 'lulz' I suggest you go on eIreland's IRC channel and observe the nonsensical conversations that go on in there.

Politics Makes Strange Bed Fellows?

Am I the only person who thinks it is strange that an election that was formerly an entirely open election between all parties has now become a tide against the IUP? Look at them all dropping out: IF, IFP, ICF and 'FF'. I am going to be even more blunt than my previous article and say I sincerely think deals behind closed doors are being made *cough* cabinet positions, blackmail... I have a hunch who is behind this however in the interest of letting them retain some integrity and esteem I won't name them here. Do they really think the eIrish electorate is stupid enough to buy this 'Alliance for Change' cobblers... Nithraldur is straight as an arrow and hasn't done any behind the scenes deals with organizations or other parties to get people to vote for him. People accuse us of not being transparent... Like I mentioned above there is no invisible wall between Nithraldur and the people he serves and there will never be. Being the President does not mean you get to rule like some tyrant, quite the opposite. Speaking from experience as being Party President of the IUP, there is not one President of anything in eRepublik. We are all in this together. Only together can eIreland move forward and no one person can do this alone. I probably said this a hundred times but new citizens are imperative to eIreland's success and we must ensure no citizen is left behind. In short, a vote for Nithraldur is a vote you the eIrish people and not the interests of politicians with self vested interests who lurk around behind your backs and then say they are ones who are transparent.

Oh Severin, you hypocrite!
Finally, I am fully aware this has not been an entirely clean article (at the very least I didn't name and shame anybody). Throughout the last month I have been called a fascist, some behind the scenes 'Big Brother', an oppressor of free speech and a vent of fear and oppression and I have even been told f*** off on our IRC (lol supposedly a Dáíl) from someone you would least suspect. Of course none of this bothers me (mainly because the accusations are so absurd) and I'm the kind of person who doesn't take jokes too seriously. However when people attack my colleagues and friends that is where I put my foot down. Quite frankly I think it is an appalling reflection on eIreland that a President who has spent hours upon days working on behalf of his country is being held in such low esteem by some people here. If you want to punish those who go around causing nothing but trouble for their own amusement because they have nothing else to do with their lives I highly suggest you vote Nithraldur. They are arrogant enough to think they have already won the election, let's prove them wrong. If you want to join the 'magic' band wagon and risk losing all progress which has been made and all the work which has been done up to now vote for another candidate.

Give Peace a Chance?
Before I bring this article to a close I want to ashore people that myself and Nithraldur have no quarrels with anybody in eIreland. This is just a game and like it or not we all have to work together. Some people have attacked and even betrayed me in the past (loyalty appears to mean nothing these days) however I never let the distort my opinion of them. The sooner people realize we are all on the same plain, the faster perhaps all the mudsling and insults will end. Despite what some may think the IUP is not evil (nor even the ICF for that matter). Parties in eIreland are not fundamentally different and those who suggest an ideological divide between clearly never studied political science in much dept. No party can bring forth a radical change and at the end of the day we all want the same thing just said or done in a different. Why don't we give peace between parties a chance for a change? I myself tried to open cooperation with other major parties but none pursued it (which is kind of funny because people accuse the IUP of imposing itself on every other party as if we don't want to cooperate).

I speak on behalf of Nithraldur and assure that if re-elected he will continue to allow everybody and body participate in the administration regardless of their political affiliation.

I once again await the 'haters',
Thank you for your time and attention,
Please vote Nithraldur on election day,