[IFP]Vote for Starks Hayter

Day 562, 05:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Alex Darky

As I said in my manifesto for the Presidential, I didn't have a chance to win the elections. Maybe in the future, but now. So I thought better & came to an agreement with the ISRP. Therefore I'll cancel my candidature & the IFP will support Starks Hayter & Aran Tal in the upcoming elections on the 5th of June...tommorow, that is.

No wasted votes this way, but more votes for the Alliance of Change. I personally respect the IUP & Nithraldur a lot, just wanted to make that clear.

So, let's vote tommorow for Starks Hayter & get a new president.

God bless Ireland,
Best regards, your friend
Congressman Alex Darky (& newly promoted General !)