An open letter to the ISRP (an offer from IF with conditions)

Day 560, 08:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ireland First-Eireann Chead

I first of all want to make an apology for my first article (let’s say it was a bit forceful)
Not all the facts were given to me at the time and in the end it was a half-truth, now that I have calmed down I can see that it was wrong to add that to my manifesto but hindsight is the most useless thing in the world. I still think ye made a mistake to allow yourself to be associated with the ICF (I’ll state for the record I really really dislike them) but I do understand it.

After looking at your manifesto it occurred to me that we might want the same thing and I might have had a preconceived notion about the ISRP having seen a previous lead government not do what it said it would, so you might be wondering what I’m getting at well I was referred to as the Ralph Nader (American Independent candidate 2000 and 2004 that lost the Democrats both elections) candidate in this election that will spilt the left vote so support from me and my party will be a plus for your campaign so I’m willing to climb down from my high horse and support you (under conditions that I have posted below).I feel that my chances are slim and if you can act on what you say I’ll support you.

The idea came to me after I got a request from Top Gun to stand down and support you on the Ireland First forums

I rejected this request at the time because I didn’t want to look spineless and that I have 3 valid reasons for running they are:

1. I believe I can do the job and I have 100% support from my own party

2. Game mechanics allows me too run

3. I have a free will and can do what I want

But I will step down and support your party under the condition of:

If you have not enacted 70% of your manifesto by day 20 of you term you will resign from office of Taoiseach (i.e Impeach yourself to see how Aran does) the reason I ask this is I am sick and tired of inaction of Government to implement policy that there own manifesto never mind issue’s that arise after. That is why I was running in the first place.

2 things I ask of the ICF is

1.For an immediate stop the anti-IUP propaganda campaign. Starks should be able to win on his own merits

2.For a public apology from Mannimarco for referring to me as an idiot, among other things.(Manni, me and you have had our differences since the IVF debacle this is a peace treaty proposal so hopefully we can start on a clean slate. I’ll never agree with you politics though)

If you agree to these terms I will back your Presidential run Starks so Ireland will have a united left so we both can get the change eIreland needs. I don’t think I’m looking for too
much just an accountable Government.

If you reject this proposal I will run as usual.

The elections are in a few days, I await your response


Pip Kelly

Ireland First candidate