TFD: Part Deux - Teh Secomony

Day 864, 00:36 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

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Editor's Note: Tyler F Durden's Country President Campaign Content can be found on any Soap Box Article by simply clicking on this User Bar:


This is not a game about puppy dogs and ice cream.

This is not a game to transfer real life issues into - go punch a wall meatsauce.

This is not a game to strive for peace in.

This is a game about war.

So I sit here and think...we got Titaniums. Everyone wants it.
Can we share it? Yes we can! Now I know what you're thinking:

"You tryin ta give away our Precioussssss Titaniums?"

This is when I smile. Let's ask a few simple questions, shall we?

Question One:

If you were a Canadian GM, would it benefit you to be able to expand your market access in Allied economies?

Question Two:

Are you tired of fighting other Canadian GMs for market share?

Question Three:

Do you want to be able to retain good workers by offering them fair wages?

It's okay little fella, the answers to these questions aren't scary, all we have to do is expose ourselves to invasion by 4 allies in less than one month in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Nunavut, Northwest Territories and either Saskatchewan or Manitoba (Manitoba now has a Hospital, courtesy of Gary Doer, making any foray into Manitoba prohibitively costly - sorry Petz).

Last summer, France, United Kingdom, Iran and Hungary had opportunity to establish companies in Nunavut and Northwest Territories. Our allies - including those who let their country get wiped for us - can use this favour. They get more Titanium into their markets (including Oil, Wood & Grain) by occupying these regions. It allows Canadian GMs to acquire market licenses for 25% of the cost. Now the Canadian Titanium GMs will have multiple markets to establish a healthy prosperous future in.

No other Titanium Economy will have this advantage - but we will.
Below, I have inserted a map. Click on it!

Click to enlarge

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