TFD Can Into CP: O Grab Me

Day 891, 14:26 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden
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Note: Tyler F Durden's Country President campaign will be marked by this user bar at the top of the page.
You can click it - it is a button - to take you back to this article, which will serve as the central focal point during the campaign.

Yesterday we talked about the Broconomy. This is what I like to call what could very well be an extremely mutually beneficial relationship between Canada, the USA and Mexico.

We have warred with each other.

We have been wiped out by external enemies.

We have been used as gateways to facilitate attacks on others.

We already have much in common - an entire continent to ourselves...

...and we have to protect it from those who would take ANY of it from us

In an age where the world is engulfed in the flames of war, we need a unifying purpose.
Self preservation comes to mind. Economic cooperation comes to mind.

Now I know there are a small few of usual suspects who criticize such and ambitious plan without providing rational argument to support their speculative critique. Just because we would choose to focus our economies does not mean that the sectors not focused upon would vaporize into thin air - they would still be there if need be and could be operational in a day. I remember when I critiqued Octavian_F's potentially disastrous platform I composed an entire article outlining core concerns with adopting such executive initiatives leaving no room for debate as to why my argument should be taken as anything more than being just a comment on some guy's platform.

That being said - a TFD administration would employ mechanics not typically used by previous Canadian governments.

The Embargo is a tool seldom utilized -
but can be a great way to streamline an economy.

In a TFD Administration embargoes would be enacted against ALL Phoenix / Entente nations. This would serve more than one purpose.

Companies within Canada who primarily export to Phoenix / Entente nations use Canadian labour to provide products ans wealth to their own national economies and war effort. Should we choose to embargo belligerent's interests we force them to either use extra effort in using the black market to export goods - which can get tedious. It also denies the enemy nation's Gov't VAT revenue and Import Tax revenue. The expected - and inevitable result will be these companies shuttering, thus laying off their workers. These workers would then seek employment elsewhere, such as in CAD GM, or Allied GMs companies, thus increasing the efficiency of the EDEN / Brolliance war effort.

Unfortunately there is no REAL economic cooperative aspect in EDEN other than each member Government supplying gold to the EMC. Now, while this can occasionally be effective, it is also incredibly inefficient. Allied war contribution can be increased by coordinating economic strategy.
So far, 'EDEN' is pretty much 'EDN'. There is no 'Economic' strategy.

That would change in a TFD Administration. I intend to use this tool to shift workers from non allied companies into Canadian or Allied companies within Canada while denying enemy GMs from using Canadian workers to produce their profits.

Enemies cannot haz Canadian stuffs

You may ask, "why would the USA and Mexico want to take part in this?"

My answer is why would they not want to? They would be able to provide their citizens with battle opportunities, economic opportunities and the chance to FINALLY work together to achieve a common goal. The fact is - Canadian GMs WANT to export. Having each others territory pass over strategic economic regions would enhance the Bro GMs ability to purchase market licenses for 25% of the cost - allowing them to use that other 75% to put back into their companies.

Tune in tomorrow when I will introduce you to "Operation Magic Carpet".

On a personal note, last night I achieved my first Media Mogul Medal!
This was accomplished with two articles:

1. Hello Kitty Liberated!!!!1!, released in the USA and
2. Serbia - You Are Next, released in Serbia.

This had been a long time personal goal of mine and I had vowed to not be CP until I had achieved this milestone. With the fall of Hello Kitty last night to EDEN / Brolliance Mobile Troops I took the liberty of writing a couple of articles in foreign press markets. Subscriber #1000 came in Serbia and went to either Constantin Prezan of the Republic of Moldavia or Morghoth of Poland.

My thanks goes out to ALL of my subscribers and I will continue to provide you with a Subscriber first Newspaper with my trademark system of indexed eRep information, lulz and Battle results! To the 600 or so Canadian subscribers...
