Shameless Plug Award for Best Article (Feb. 22 - 28)

Day 467, 14:25 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Go directly to the polls:

It’s too much, just plain TOO much. Okay, you’ve done it this time eCanada! You’ve gone and turned my simple job of making a small list into a living torment of indecision. Before, I could read maybe one or two articles a day that could be called decent journalism. Now, this week, I’ve had to agonize each day over at least 2-3 articles that just had to make it to the Final Five list.

I’ve been scratching my head over this sudden surge in eRep journalism? Could it be the Boomer bubble? Could it be a craze in the Congress elections? Could it be that, in the middle of February, it is too cold outside for RL? Maybe, just maybe, it’s the SPABA’s 50 CAD prize. Well, one can dream.

To summarize this week’s worth of reading and put it in a couple lines will leave much unsaid. There was LOL satire, impressive graphs and compiled stats, well-constructed Congress platforms, and a slew of newly emerging newspapers putting out quality articles. We could easily make an award for each of those categories, but what’s a small publisher with limited time and, more importantly, limited funds to do? Well, we can always announce this week’s Final Five, of course! (okay, I caved a little, there are really six…maybe seven, like I said, it was a tough week)

Here they are in no particular order, not even alphabetical:

1. “Election Day” by Kelly Mahoney of Home Front Heroes.
The Plug: Home Front Heroes has long been deserving of an award to recognize this newspaper's reliable coverage of every week’s job market and each eCanada election. This article was particularly good for bringing all the platforms together for easy browsing. Mahoney has proven herself to be eCanada’s good conscience, reminding us what is important for an intelligent, civil society.
Best Lines:I am hoping ... more of our candidates will show enough respect and humility to the electorate that they will make a presentation. It does not have to be a fancy presentation. It can be a few words in a post on the eCanada forums, or a newspaper article, linked to the official congress candidate page. I also encourage voters to vote only for those who have made a presentation. If we want good behaviour from our elected officials, we have to let them know, right from the start, in the polls.

2. “Congress Elections: Final Results” by marcchelala of Quick News and “Full Election Coverage by The Freeholder Press” by Alias Vision of The Freeholder Press.
The Plug: While it was tempting to have these two articles face each other in the SPABA polls, it would have been a shame to break apart such cooperation and good sportsmanship. Both newspapers had the same aims and, one might think, the same information. However, they managed to complement each other well. Not only was the “live” coverage excellent, but also their teamwork.
Best Lines: QN (kudos for bilingual article!) - In total, 483 citizens have voted (12.72% of population?). This is a new record in the number of votes submitted. / Au total, 483 citoyens ont vote (12.72% de la population?). Ceci est un nouveau record dans le nombre de votes recus.
TFHP - The previous Congress elections saw the CSD maintain their edge in the eCanadian political landscape. However, the surge of the newly coined CEP would foreshadow a very tight Presidential race two weeks later. The other telling story was the emergence of the PPC as the third way which coincided with the decline in the influence of the CCF (previously CPP).

3. “Post-election Analysis and Commentary” by Alias Vision of The Freeholder Press.
The Plug: Alias Vision provides us with an extensive summary of the Congressional elections of eCanada. The commentary offers a useful explanation of the political developments that shaped this month’s election process. For a beginner in eCanada, he or she will find this a good tool to engage further in eCanada society. For the hardcore eRep gamer, the stats should provide ample number crunching enjoyment.
Best Lines: February ushered the complete collapse of the CCF…..[T]he harsh light of history will show that the re-branding process of the CCF led to this result. Because the CCF was still considered one of the top 5 parties, they prevented what may have been a more relevant RFP from running its candidates. This surely will lead to calls to re-examine and change the electoral system.

4. “S&E’s Economic Report” by Keneto of Maxim Magazine.
The Plug: I had to consult my financial advisor and stock broker to confirm that the numbers are good. What’s even better are the coloured graphs and quirky political cartoon at the bottom. Anyone who plays eRep for the sheer fun of breaking down numbers and cornering parts of the market, this article is for you. Don’t let the quality of the embedded images make you think any less of this article (it’s a known issue with the eRep BB system).
Best Lines: The price of grain shows an overall downward trend, while food only slightly so. It would appear that at current wage-price levels, the supply of grain will continue to flow, so food must logically follow a downward trend in March. Recent tax-changes and the infamous food strike only appear to have influenced Q4 food, which may put upward pressure on Q5 food in March.

5. “Certa Sheep Interview - Roy Munson Sheep Scandal Expose – 3 Part Series” by Petz of The Petz Press.
The Plug: Roy Munson, a shining example of Boomer potential, won a seat in Congress this week (see his thoughts about it in Dade Pendwyn’s interview). Perhaps it was from this great hope that sprang the deep sense of shock and disappointment over Munson’s barnyard antics. Petz may have proven himself to be a slanderer/satirist of Augustus Baldwinian proportions. Does eCanada need to have more ‘lolz’ in the media?
Best Lines: Well as the event was nearing an end, he approached me and started talking about his bed, about how what he really needed was a serta in it. Being naive, I assumed he meant a certa mattress. i had no idea what his real intentions were.

6. “Old Ladies at War – Canada’s Broken Healthcare” by Dade Pendwyn of The Boomer Bugle.
The Plug: To answer the above question, “Yes, we do.” During only its second week of publishing, The Boomer Bugle may have proven itself to be a mainstay here at the SPABAs. Perhaps it would have been more responsible to nominate “New Congress for a New Age” to counter Munson rumours. Instead, we think eCanada could use another laugh, and a good one at that. Don’t worry about Dade’s granny-with-a-gun, a new health care plan is in the works. Thanks Emilio & Anomander!
Best Lines: At this she strode off towards the airport. Truly I pitied the poor Hungarian soul who might be faced with the terrifying sight of her knobbed knees hobbling towards the front with wrinkled fist shaking and geriatric profanity spilling forth from her dentures.

Those are your great writers for the week of Feb 22 – 28. Please check out the articles if you haven’t done so before and vote/sub to show your appreciation of their good work. Also, check out the SPABA polls and cast your vote:

The hardest part of organizing this award is having to make the call on which articles are “on” or “off” the list. Here is a quick run through of those short listed that deserve recognition:

Let Romania Rot” by Yonsil.
Best Line: Although my eCitizen have not been living long enough to see their expansion, the world must understand the savagery of Romania is not ending--not even close.

Banach’s Building a Mental Map of eCanada” by Banach.
Best Line: After examining the social fabric of eCanada, I will now piece together all the institutions, the government and business concepts of it all into one guide that will serve as precedent in the eWorld.

Plebiscite: Citizens Unite” by Alias Vision
Best Lines: Imagine the symbolic impact of eCanadians, with our modest media exposure, first voting in this plebiscite and propelling the article on the international stage. Once there, we invite all citizens of all allegiances to join their voices to ours. Make this a world plebiscite. Citizenship is needed now!

Canadian Comrades in Arms by Cesar Augustus.
Best Lines: These people need our thanks. If you happen to get some time send them a message saying you appriciate how much you appriciate what these people do everyday.