Plebiscite: Citizens Unite

Day 466, 08:59 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

Today we wish to put to the readers and citizens at large a question of the utmost importance.

The importance of citizenship.

The issue is everywhere you look. Media, forums, private conversations I'm sure. The consensus, and for once it appears rather unanimous, is that there is a pressing need to recognize and reinforce the concept of citizenship.

Many have written articles on how this should be done and we all hope those recommendations have not fallen on deaf ears. As such, it is not the goal of this article to revisit that issue and propose the same concepts or even different ones.

Rather I hope to make this article a plebiscite. That is a vote by the electorate determining public opinion on a question of national importance. Except in this case it is of national importance to all the nations of the World.

Imagine the symbolic impact of eCanadians, with our modest media exposure, first voting in this plebiscite and propelling the article on the international stage. Once there, we invite all citizens of all allegiances to join their voices to ours. Make this a world plebiscite. Citizenship is needed now!

Over 400 voted in our Congress elections, a mere 25% of these would allow us to meet our goal. Consider it your civic duty.

So first vote, then encourage your friends, co-workers, party members to do as well.

Help make this the first world plebiscite on an important question affecting us all.

Thank you.