Scandinavian Wars [Day 6] – Games on!

Day 920, 06:36 Published in Sweden Sweden by Maximilian

After the last offensive action from the Poles, the war has taken a new turn, spreading to more southbound parts of Europe. After Poland’s conquer of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Germany quickly started a counterattack on that region. The war shouldn’t be a hard challenge for Poland since Germany has no MPPs to lean back on.

Three hours after Germany’s attack on Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Austria stepped up and joined the scene, attacking Bavaria and at the same time activating 9 German MPPs. The battle of Bavaria followed the trend that we have seen the last days, resulting in a retreat by the German president.
Quickly after the battle was won a resistance war (Link) was started in that region by Cerber, a very well known Polish citizen. It’s obvious that this resistance war is a part of a bigger plan and it will be interesting to see how Poland will continue to act against Germany.

Austria initiated one more attack on Germany, attacking Hesse (Link). Shortly thereafter Slovenia decided to attack Austria’s new region Bavaria. Slovenia is very likely going to be victorious in that battle if nothing special happens before the time limit is up, since they have 8 MPPs on their side (Countries such as Indonesia, Serbia and Russia).

The war has the last days moved away from the vicinity of Sweden and instead moved to the other side of the Baltic Sea. If Sweden would manage to get an attack on Schleswig-Holstein it would put Germany in grave danger, it’s never fun to fight at 2-3 fronts at the same time. After Slovenia’s attack on Austria it shows that Phoenix is getting more involved in all the wars that surround Germany at the moment, and it’s clear that this isn’t a minor operation, this is a full scale war going on.

● Poland conquers Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
● Germany made a counterattack on Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, fighting without their MPPs against Poland.
● Austria attacked Bavaria, activating 9 MPPs at the same time.
● Germany retreats from Bavaria, leaving Austria victorious.
● Former president of Poland, Cerber, starts a resistance war in Bavaria.
● Austria attacked Hesse, fighting against Germany and their MPPs.
● Slovenia joins the scene, attacking Bavaria, which belongs to Austria at this point. Slovenia will get help from their 8 MPPs in the battle.

Scandinavian Wars [Day 4-5] - Szwedzi Hey!
Scandinavian Wars [Day 3] - Honey, honey!
Scandinavian Wars [Day 2] - War rages on!
Scandinavian Wars [Day 1] - Tricky Jumping

My article Scandinavian Wars [Day 3] – Honey, honey! will be featured in this Fridays episode of Breakfast Politics.