Presidential Scenario #1, Day 1543

Day 1,543, 06:00 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q

Presidential Scenario #1

Hello eCanada,

Something that I wanted to focus on this month was "political activity". And my method for doing so was involving several President-wannabes in a "crash-course in Presidency". As I've explained before, this entails providing them with scenarios that a President may encounter during their term. They need to write up a "plan of action" for the scenario, and by doing so will hopefully get a better idea of what it actually means to be President.

There is also a public portion to this crash-course. They will be publishing their plans in their newspapers in order to receive feedback, criticism, threats, etc. from the public. Sounds fun, no? This will hopefully also give the public more of an idea on who their President candidates may be in upcoming months, and get them commenting more on political matters, even if just pretend ones for now.

Anyway. Today was the "due date" for their first scenario, so now we're onto that public portion of the trial. I have received a copy of each of their plans, so that I can ensure they don't do any last minute changes from seeing each other's before they publish their own. So they should get to publishing their plans whenver they next get on.

Without further ado, I would like to present the first Presidencial Scenario, and explain why it was given to them.

Scenario #1:

"A President is only as strong as their Cabinet. To be a successful President, you must gather players than you can rely on to help you in your Presidential tasks. So it is very important to have a Cabinet that you understand well. And so..

You are running for CP for the first time, and need to create a Cabinet that will help you achieve your goals of helping the nation. What positions would you have in your Cabinet, what would their duties be, and why are they important? If you left out a position that is normally included in a Cabinet, explain why."


Not exactly a scenario, but the very first, and possibly also the biggest, problem that every President-hopeful encounters. This question gets them to think about what the Cabinet actually does, and why each position is important. It shows us their understanding of a Cabinet, and how they would emphasis certain aspects/positions over others. Almost a way of seeing what they see as most important. I asked this as the first question, since they would have seen less of what my Cabinet was doing, and hopefully their answer will come moreso from their own experiences. It should be interesting to see how their answers may change at the end of the term.

When the participants get around to publishing their plans, I will link to them here.

Ultimate523: Published here.
Gary Hubert: Published here.
George Beeman: Published here.
JohnSmith 2k9: Published here.
Andrew McKenzie Caine: Published here.

Remember, at the end of the term, one of these participants will "take over" as Country President, depending on the feedback from both the public and my own Cabinet. So, for the good of the nation, be critical, be constructive, make sure they know when their ideas are bad, but also when they're good.

Thanks for reading!

President of eCanada.

~Friday, February 10th, 2012. Day 1,543.

P.S.: Don't worry, I didn't forget that I owe you all another "CP update" article. Now that school-work isn't killing me, I should be able to get back on track with those 😛