One flew over the cuckoo's nest - an interview with Zoli

Day 807, 12:48 Published in USA Hungary by Ipath">" width="50%">

Dear citizens of the New World,

A few days ago I came across something interesting: Zoli, one of Hungary’s best known and most esteemed politician, who in the last few months published most of his articles in the USA, decided to run on the American elections. I have to admit I was a little bit confused, I didn’t understand a couple of things: Is he being serious? Does he have a chance? What do the Americans think about this? Could he find supporters (after all, he’s a hungarian tank, who fought against the states quite a few times)?

I decided to do some investigation. I knew he doesn’t use chat that much, so I visited the chat room of his party, the KARD. Even the party members couldn’t lighten me up if the case was serious. So, I decided to write a letter to Zoli, if he could answer a few questions of mine, which are probably interesting for my readers alike. Let’s see:

1. Are you serious? You are member of the hungarian congress and you also have a hungarian citizenship. How could you be an American president like this?

At first, it was a joke. St Krems(maybe St Creams? 😛 ) wrote an article, in which he states that there’s a serious trouble in America as the media is dead, the only articles are about the war and politics mean no challenge, as there’s no competition, the parties decide about the congress seats beforehand. Because of these reasons, I decided to give it a try and join the race for presidency. From the very first moment I knew I had no chance at all, but I thought it to be amusing. It’s more exciting than the arguing about the standing orders here, in Hungary.

2. What would be your goals, if you were elected? Would you run the USA as a responsible president, or would you use your power to help Hungary?

As I never thought that I would win, I didn’t think much about this. I focused on making a great platform and to arrange a convincing team. The two main candidates even copied a few points from my platform. There are some points that are nothing strange for a hungarian, but pretty surprising for an American, as they are used to a different style.

3. How could you get such players to support you? Many of them were insulted for aiding you.
I managed to assemble a great team, mainly because just like me, they are looking for fun in this game. I got to know Gaius Julius (former president of the USA – the editor) during the North American campaign, and I “met” Lucius Varenus and Leroy Combs even before, during the liberation of Central Greece. We used to talk a lot about tactics and strategies. It was fascinating to have a chat with the opponent about the strategies of both sides. I got to know Tiacha and PrincesMedyPi when I published a few articles during last summer in the USA. I really respect St Krems and Jude Connors because they understand that the most important thing in playing is to enjoy the game, and they do everything to make this game exciting.

After I published who will participate in my government many people contacted me that they want to join too. They were indeed called betrayers. But the point of all this is fun, and we were eager to see the reaction of people. Many were calling names, many were openly supporting us.

Members of my government do not support the current government, nor the current candidates. For example, Gaius Julius resigned from the US Army two days ago, and Lucius Varenus quit the army council. It was a sign from them to the current and soon-to-be presidents, that they are doing something wrong.

I participated in a party’s inner voting, where they decided who they should support for presidency. I received 20%. Not bad. It was interesting to read the reactions on the forum of the party. I tried to join the debate of the candidates too. The three strongest candidates were there, but I wasn’t allowed to join. They took it rather seriously that I’m not american.

I also tried to get international support. Many former and current presidents, well-known players and even the leader of EDEN shared their opinion about my shot (in fact, almost whole EDEN leadership wished him good luck and said a few good words about him – the editor).

4. Would the USA remain in EDEN if you were elected? Would you resign the MPPs?

I won’t be elected. However, if I were, I wouldn’t change the foreign policy of the US. This is not a TO. I would serve America the best I can. There are many things that America and Hungary could learn from each other.

Considering the answers I got I could say that the most surprising in all the above is not that Zoli runs for American presidency, but that he has a chance! Just look who helps him, check the names in his government. Also, the fact that he wasn’t allowed to join the debate indicates that he is thought to have a chance.
Anyway, since Governor Schwarzenegger, Zoli is the European who was is the closest to be elected to be the President of the United States.

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Update: Zoli is temp baned which is make sure he won’t make it…

Original article