[USA Feb ‘10] A new perspective

Day 801, 07:24 Published in USA Hungary by Zoli
Click here to see the members of the Cabinet

Presidential elections are around the corner, the press is buzzing with articles supporting the candidates. Currently it looks like it will be a race between Josh Frost and PigInZen, two powerful and active candidates, who had the chance to prove their abilities running the country.

Both have strong programs, both have promised to work hard, but looking closely at their programs it is crystal clear that they will not bring anything new into the daily life of Americans. America and Americans have evolved a lot in the past years. The country became stronger, more united, and more pragmatic. After a peak moment reached during Gaius Julius presidency, the USA is o downward slope. As St Krems pointed out in his last article, there is something missing from the US these days. The sense of fun is gone. Looking at the press all we can see are articles about the war or the hospital debate, and without the Jude Connors Show this would have been just another dull week.

I believe that electing Josh Frost or PigInZen will not increase the fun level. Both of them run the country, so we know their track record. But neither of them was able to bring back the glow the US had during the last month of WW3 and the month that followed the liberation of all regions. I believe that if they’ll be elected they will not succeed in bringing a new perspective; they just follow the same policies that lead to the current situation, to the current general boredom.

This is the main reason why I’ve decided run for the US presidency. My main objective is to bring a new perspective, to bring back the fun into America, to bring back the glory days of the USA!

Tomorrow I’ll publish the backbone of my Cabinet. I believe it will be the strongest team running this month. It’s composed of experienced players who pledged to work hard to bring back the Bang into the daily life of Americans. With this article I’m entering the Federalist Party primaries, and on Monday I’ll attend the debate organized by the Libertarian Party, where they will choose whom to support. I’m also looking to gain the support of other parties, as I know that is in the interest of all to bring back the light into the everyday life.

The base of my program

As we all know in February / March the game will change. The war and economic module will change. One of my main objectives is to be prepared for the change, to have a financial background to invest in the new industries, and to have a strong team that will draw up a quick strategy adapted to the new economical and military modules.

Beside the practical and pragmatic aspect, a greater emphasis will be put on the social side of the game.

New citizens and increased retention

No matter what some people say, bigger is better. Looking at the RL population of the USA, there is great potential for population growth. There is no free meal; we must work hard to attract new citizens. Our luck is that there are so many gamer communities. We must not target them all at the same time, but by publishing daily 2-3 articles on community forums and blogs we could bring in at least 500 new players each day.

Mentors will play an important role in retention. All new players will be directed towards state owned training companies. The Government will push out all companies offering jobs for new people at skill 0. This way will keep a better evidence of new players and it will be easier to filter them out.

Because boredom many older people leave the game. By increasing the fun factor, by putting a bigger accent on the social side of the game, by accentuating the role play aspect of the game, retention of older players will increase.

I’ll support the civil society and their initiatives. The biggest wealth of a country are its citizen. No matter how rich we are, the Government cannot run all programs. If citizens come up with good ideas to state will co-fund those actions.


My first step would be to propose the raise of the minimum wage to 2 USD. This will not put pressure on companies, it will not create inflation. This measure will insure that no private company will offer jobs for 0 Skill players and the state owned training company will gather all new players. This measure will force tax evading companies, which hire employees giving them minimum wage and paying them through donations, to increase the wage and to pay higher taxes to the State.

A major goal will be to improve the trade balance. Except diamonds, a raw material not found in the USA, import tax will be hiked to 15%. This will offer increased protections for American companies, and will increase the tax revenue of the state. Even if imports would fall by 50%, import tax revenues will grow by more then 700%. I will encourage exports too. Q3 and Q4 raw material companies will receive 10 GOLD if they buy export licenses to allied and neutral countries that do not hold high resource regions. This aid will be limited at a maximum number of 5 licenses for each market.

A fund will be created, that will give out loans after the new modules will be introduced for companies to develop faster.


The army is one of the best retention tools. By joining the army new players get into an active and fun community.

Currently each army branch is centrally funded to help its members increase in rank. My goal is to give each army unit a budget they will control and this way they’ll use it only during live battles but not training wars. This way we can use money more wisely and cut cost in useless battles.


The biggest problem is that there are no live wars. The real reason behind this is that there is no Big Picture. My team is drawing up plans that I cannot disclose at this moment, plans that will allow the USA to wage important live wars which do not jeopardize the long term security of the USA.

I know that many Americans would love to kill some redcoats. Yet by looking at the Alliances the UK holds it is clear that it would turn into a dead-lock, a training war between EDEN and Phoenix, something similar we saw between Greece and Turkey. If I’ll get elected I’ll hit the UK, but that will be part of the big picture.

The US Army will play an active role in EDEN Military actions.

Foreign policy

We will put a bigger accent on Foreign Policy. The Vice President will personally oversee any actions regarding our foreign policy. We will achieve with diplomacy that what we cannot do through raw power.

We need to improve the relations even with our allies in order to avoid incidents like the one we saw with Romania. I am open to help allies in their imperialistic goals and I expect the same from them.

A new perspective

I believe I can bring a new perspective into the USA. I’ll bring back the “Bang” into the daily life. Stick around to meet my team tomorrow.