ESO - I.A the dream team

Day 1,981, 04:35 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Send love to Plato


Well again on Thursday 25th of April the eUK goes to the ballot box to vote on who we want to run our country via congress, and of course being outside the top five parties we had to rely on any generous offers to share the platform with other parties who are in the eUK's top five.
So I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank the warm approaches and generous offers we had from UKRP, ESO, TUP and UKPP. Your generosity was greatly appreciated by all at the Independent Alliance and we wish you all the best of British luck with your campaigns.

This election we will be running with the guys at ESO, there is no secret that there is a rizla paper between us in terms of membership numbers and we both are close to being neck and neck to the fifth spot in the eUK...but...never a bad word has been spoken of the great and honest guys at ESO. And if we never are not fortunate enough to enter the top five then I can think of no better party than ESO to keep us out of there. You can view an article from one of our up and coming members on the I.A congress team here and we hope you will vote and subscribe to his newspaper.

Can i also remind our members that our monthly conference will be held on our IRC channel #Independence on the 1st of may at 7pm. We will of course be sending you the agenda so you will know in advance what will be discussed, and if you wish to raise anything then that opportunity will be there. we will be looking at a vote on a new avatar as well as some fancy new logos not to mention the usual votes on who YOU want as your party officers. Remember we don't use buzzwords...we use ballots. We hope to see you guys there.

The Independent Alliance are proud to announce that our brilliant an original media fund is still well up and running. Not already have a newspaper? Saving your gold for training ground updates? Well even if you don't have any then we will fund anyone within the party so you can buy your own newspaper without using your own valuable resources. The content is completely down to you so do not feel you have to produce party material, there is literally no catch. The content is 100% completely down to you and you alone, and once you have published an article feel free to publicise it in the Alliance news feed and we will help vote it up and re-shout it. Already today two young members have taken advantage of the media fund and here are their articles - Doc Devil and WookieO

So why wait? Contact Klurr...IT'S FREE!!!

Uh-oh here comes the recruitment bit...

So join the Independent Alliance today and play a part in the evolution in people power. Our members elect our party officers, select our candidate preference list, decide our policies, vote on our forum moderators plus much, much more. We don't just claim to listen to our members as our actions speak louder than our words because each member is just as important and just as powerful as every other one, we have no dominating figures in our ranks and we are an open and friendly community. Each member has the exact input, say and voting power as the party President which is a unique system in eRepublik and something we are very proud of. We pride ourselves on creating a completely open and democratic party where every member is equal, regardless of experience, regardless of rank because the Independent Alliance is a party of the people, for the people, run by the people. Unbiased, democratic and progressive.

If you are level 29 and below you are entitled to free food from the government no matter what political party or military unit you are in, you can apply here NHS APPLICATION by filling out the very simple form. The NHS scheme has no conditions and is open to all new players so please apply as every bit of help is important in your early career of eRepublik. We are proud to be an official donator to the NHS scheme and we will continue to do so even when the dust has settled on our articles we will still send our donations to this wonderful scheme...and a HUGE thank you to those that make it run as smoothly as possible. Your tireless work is appreciated.