Independent Alliance Congress Candidates

Day 1,980, 13:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HaydnMH

Hello to my lovely readers Thursday is Election Day for the congress with a possibility that the Independent Alliance may be the 5th highest ranked party and thus eligible to have directly elected congress people! Earlier today I sent around a message to the members of the Independent Alliance hoping to secure a spot on congress to ask them why they want the role and what aspirations they hope to achieve if they secure it. The five candidates in alphabetical order are Albert 22, Klurr, Mwcerberus, Nellie The Elephant and ViciousDeeds.

Albert 22: Though I only joined eRepublik this month I have made reasonable progress. Joining the I.A has given me contacts in the community that has allowed me to stand for Congress at a young age. I have become involved in the media portion of the game, releasing what I aim to make a weekly political opinion piece and it has received some interesting discussion in the comments with Dr Hugh. Finally, even though the games military module is clearly slanted towards stronger players I managed to pick up 9 Battle Hero medals, showing my determination to make the most out of my abilities.

Klurr: Been thinking about this for a few minutes, and the only thing I can come up with is literally "because I want to". Eh, it's been a while since I was in Congress, figured I'd give it a shot. That's about it really. TIME2MINECRAFTNAO.

Mwcerberus: Achieve is a big word but not as big as antidisestablishmentarianism, ermm well I'll do a good job as congressman there are no big changes i'd like to bring to the eUK but if there is a good idea i'll vote for it. i'm very active meaning i can hold my vote right up until the last minute this is very handy for NE votes and things that might have to change last minute. The biggest thing i'll be doing this month will be reviewing political parties and interviewing their PPs my review of IA should be up soon (or already if you're reading this later) should be good.

Nellie The Elephant: No reply to my message 🙁 but all the best if their chosen.

VicousDeeds: I’m only running as I have a lot of dirt to dish out about our resident Dr Erection, I thought who would people believe a) Average Joe b)Super duper Congressman.... Gives my (true) stories that bit more credibility. As you can see I have been around for a while (still not classed as an oldfag mind you) but haven't actually entered the political scene properly. I think it’s about time I try and see what all the fuss is about. If I do get into Congress then I can guarantee activity and (mostly) sensible decisions. I’m not going to sit here and give you the usual drivel about how I want lower taxes for the people of the UK, because lets face it.... 1 man isn't going to change the world (unless your Chaz) but I can tell you that my decisions will not be made on impulse, but with thought and understanding, always following IA's principles. Closing message to Sir Nick: Just because I’m a Dentist, does not mean I am planning to PTO congress so you can relax.

So there we go people if you’re a member of the Independent Alliance and haven’t chosen your congress members I hope this can give you an insight into the minds of our candidates. For everyone else you might be seeing some of these people in the congress next month.
In terms of wars it would appear the eUK is returning to relative normality (thanks Poland!). Still best to keep an eye out just in case anything goes down and if anyone hasn’t joined an MU I highly recommend it for the added bonuses it provides.
