Day 1,980, 11:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Today the bus stopped at…

Yes today I’m looking in to IA (Independent Alliance) so a quick summary first
IA is a relatively new party to the eUK but has achieved incredible growth in its first few months meaning it now sits in 6th spot. It is built on the principal that every member gets a vote on almost every decision this has proved very popular with its members but can sometimes lead to slow decision making.

Time for Testimonials. What's the best thing about IA?

Time to interrogate the PP Dr Hugh Jardon
1.Could you describe the party in 51 words or less using the word timid at least once please?

1, I will be coy and reserved with my description and describe the Independent Alliance as a timid yet vibrant community more than a political party, as you will see our timid guys are more interested in timidly spamming the newsfeed than going on articles and firing up an argument or fueling trolls. We are a timid bunch yet potential rapists at heart which makes a fun but reserved party if you're Klurr.

2.IA polls its members on almost every decision this seems to be a revolutionary concept to eRepublik did you steal this idea from someone? (in RL or in game)

2, Balloting everyone for every single bloody thing isn't fun at times. Lets get that straight. The last three ballots i have set up have gone wrong...Klurr literally has had to bail me out. I'm a rubbish PP but when you get it right it gives you a sense of self satisfaction ya' know? There is a cocky five year old across the road who likes to put me down...and yeah we've had a few fights and his mum was disgusted at a 40 year old bloke punching the *** out of a child...but still he mocks and laughs. Well with the I.A he can't...because whats he done on eRep eh? **** all that's what...**** ALL! Anyway **** him. The idea of the I.A was a b'stard spawn from an idea by myself and mainly Klurr one night. We chatted, we laughed, we cried, she slept, i rubbed myself on her and then she woke, she shouted, she cried, she wiped herself dry and then to distract her from calling the police we chatted eRep politics...we just wanted a party literally run by it's members, and I think we've done a good job 🙂

3.The party is very big on democracy but is this secretly a dictatorship and you and your cronies (well crony) are pulling the strings behind the scenes secretly rigging ballots and giving out sexual favours for votes?

3, Sexual favours??? That had better have been an offer! Well to accuse us of rigging ballots is a bit rich considering the hours of photoshopping and dedication i have to put into screenshots so i can fix the ballots. I would love for someone to fix the votes though because it means they have to set it up in the first place and i can get back to trying to find sites so i can buy chloroform online.

4.IA polls its members on everything and this is a major principal of your party but could you go out on a limb as PP and tell me what the party’s favourite flavour of jam is?

4, Hmmm, the hardest question in the bunch. My favourite jam would be the musical band from my childhood. Klurr's would be strawberry as like her it is seedy, spreads easily and leaves you licking your fingers for ages afterwards. I can't speak for the party as I'm not PP but after the racial abuse, flaming and death threats that members received after we discussed our favourite brand of marmalade then you will forgive me if i brush the issue to one side.

5.I’ve heard and got evidence of people in the party saying some very slanderous things about you. I’ll quote some now ‘Hugh is a nice guy’ ‘he’s a good guy’ ‘probably the best thing about being in IA’ how do you respond to these plain nasty comments? and should a witch hunt be started to find the culprits?

5, people can be fooled. I'm sat behind this monitor now with several tabs open featuring everything from animal porn to ladyboy webcams. Of course I'll deny that if you tell anyone. I worked hard to fool people and it does take a lot of work...but in real life I am an utter, utter ****. One of my proudest moments was watching my mate getting almost dragged out of a moving train by a george best look-a-like whilst I dropped to the floor in fits of laughter. true story. And it was all my fault. But still i laugh. **** I tells ya....a ****.

6.In game I’ve seen the party is quite nice and fun to be in but online personalities can sometimes be very different to RL personalities so in their real lives are members kicking babies?

6, I don't know much about everyone in real life. I have socialised with VD and Flash on x-box live and they were really, really nice guys (I'll send you another PM after this telling you what they're really like so leave this bit out okay?). We have a really friendly community and I would be shocked if any of them weren't as awesome and friendly as they are in the newsfeed (see, butter them up ready for the next PP election the suckers...don't print that!). I have met Klurr in real life and will again this weekend and she is even more genuine than in here. Our sense of humour in real life would really alienate us if people knew, an example - my favourite webpage is http://kissingsuzykolber.uproxx.com/2009/01/steve-smith%E2%80%99s-guide-to-baby-punching.html so yeah. real life we are very different and it's a good job they will never find out...oh and i can confirm Klurr really does have amazing breasts!

Note this is not klurr : (

Time for MWC’s Official Party Rating; I give this party

Bonus pics