My 1st week

Day 1,981, 07:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Doc Devil

Hello everyone, this is my 1st week on eRepublik and i want to tell you why i joined who i joined.

I started by joining TUP Family military unit and i had a lot of good advice there, I was told that best place for new players to start was probably Legion or Royal Navy because they gave jobs that gave weapons on a weekly bases and they warned me about "some" player that would try and bribe me to get me where he wanted.
I went for Royal Navy because, besides from the job, they gave tanks for players that ranked up, and that sounded pretty damn good, AND IS! A massive help for a guy just starting out, believe me.

Now for political party, after i got the bribe offer I went and checked New Era, didnt like what I saw there, maybe people love it but it just wasnt my cookie, I left and went to The UKPP, after promises from another player, went there and it was basically ONE guy posting all the time and nothing else, that was not what I was looking for...
Kind of sick of seeing that the recruitment messages are mostly nothing but void promises (yeah, 2 is enough for me) I decided to join the party that DIDNT send me a message, I joined Independent Alliance, and I must tell you, its damn fun! People are always on a good mood, they give nice advice, and they gave me 2G to start this newspaper for absolutely nothing in return.

At the moment Im very happy with my choices and I plan to stick to them in the long run.

Much thanks to everyone on TUP Family for the nice starting advice, it was really important

