Canadian Congress May 2010

Day 888, 14:01 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden
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The Canadian Congress for the term of
April 25th 2010 - May 25th, 2010.



Citizen B - DAL

Chamrajnagar - CSD


British Columbia

frankypicoto - DAL

Vanquizor - CPF



Christopher True - UN

Joey Phillips - CHAOS (oh noes!)



Adasko - DAL

Auk Rest - CPF


New Brunswick

Nosyt - CSD

TaiwanPanda - CPF


Newfoundland and Labrador

Saya Innsbruck - CSD

Funky Hum24n - CPF


Northwest Territories

Kikero378 - UN

Nagrix - DAL


Nova Scotia

PopandLock - NARC

Fischbob - CSD



Mr.Mesmer - CPP

Starcitsura - DAL



Dr.Pain - DAL

Dade Pendwyn - DAL


Prince Edward Island

Etemenaki - CSD

Trenton Rendell - CPF



Samuel de Champlain - UN

Jacobi - CSD



Moffington - CPF

James McNamara - CPF



Paul Desmarais - UN

Salem Lovencraft - CPF


Wild Card Congressmen


Ralph Kline - CPP
Xzar - CPF
Treian - CSD
GaiusJuliuscaesaroo - CPP
Addy Lawrence - CPF


Tyler F Durden - CPF
Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith - CPP
PimpDollaz - CPF
Alias Vision - CPP
00AngryMobMan00 - CPP


SpockPQ - UN
nea milosu - DAL

Tyler's Take

Well not much changed. the Butter Knife Rebellion (now known as a Protest) really didn't accomplish anything except serve as a means to continue the war between Chuck Norris and the Legislative Branch of Gov't which began under the Norris Administration. Hopefully this session of Congress will be more productive but I doubt it. Ten supporters or outright participants got elected, so we'll see how the "protest" continues in May. Even the dPM got into the Long Sword Rebellion, as pictured below:

The dPM (in headphones), just before jumping on the LSR bandwagon,
perhaps jeopardizing his future executive political career.

This last session of Congress saw changes in our Tax system that enraged Protectionists. The Canadian GM now has to work harder to maintain their profits but the Canadian consumer was a BIG winner. Prices dropped considerably across the market spectrum. A few days ago I bought 25 Q4 weapons at $12.65 CAD each! That is unheard of. Yes I bought them from a non CAD GM. Yes I used them in battle to help contribute to Allied Damage totals. The Canadian GM loses a few bucks, the Allied war machine wins damage. I call that a WIN

The Protectionist view of how we should treat Allies.

The Rental Debate in the early portion of the April Session dominated debate. The rift that started under the Norris administration was exacerbated by the Rental Debate. The two camps became known as the "Patriots" and the "Treasonous Whores". That pretty much sums up the substance of the MANY discussions and multiple threads which hosted this heated topic.

Renting out a redundant region so that your ally can
fortress it because you CAN'T and paying for sex AIN'T
the same ball park, it ain't even the same ____ sport!

Of the 40 Congressmen elected last term, roughly 10 showed up for debates regularly. The top vote getter last month, Samuel de Champlain (75 votes) was the biggest disappointment. He showed up only when his Wood and House companies were in jeopardy of being effected by the related Tax changes. He has been re-elected - hopefully he puts in a bit more effort this time and increases his post total from the 8 or so to something more befitting of the 52 votes he garnered this time around. Canada benefited more from the two Q1 weapons he donated for his penance for War Crimes than his contribution to Congress debates.

This is my Congressional Secretary. Please feel free to click her

Only about 30% of Congressmen ever show up anyways and that already is 20% too many. The biggest shocker to come out of this election was the Permanent Suspensions handed out to Jacobi and Moffington for creating or administrating multiple citizen accounts. I expect them to be back soon, after a reasonable period of reflection allowing them to consider if it was really a blessing in disguise.

The Party Breakdown

The CPF (12) - once again came out on top with a Plurality of seats with 12. Yes, PimpDollaz was re-elected. No, Spencer Magee was not. For the 3rd straight month the UNION Nationale engaged in negative ad campaigning against the CPF - the party who gave them their first seat in Congress (which permitted Samuel de Champlain to be a Canadian Citizen). The CPF does not just get as many seats in Congress for the sake of getting seats. CPF Congressmen are consistently the most active in the Legislature and continue to send quality Congressmen back to the House. This party continues to be the target of animosity and constant negativity over the lulz proposal of Spencer Magee and the Gov't CAD that PimpDollaz received from TemujinBC's lulz. Hey Pimp - I am still waiting for my CPF share of the $666 CAD, which equates to $1.98...seeing as I and the CPF constantly get smeared with it too. If it wasn't for these two things, the negativity mongers would have nothing to scribble about and this country would be bored to all hell.

The DAL (9) finished second - a position not unfamiliar to them. Size doesn't = political power. But we all learned this long ago. The DAL finished 1-2-3 in Top vote getters, but that probably cost them 5 or 6 seats elsewhere in redundant, wasted votes. Citizen B once again received the most, proving once and for all that Mass PMing n00bs will translate into 2-clicker votes on election day - for Congress. Dr.Pain, one of the "Long Swords" finished 2nd overall. He is my most favouritist Congressman. Dade Pendwyn rounds out the Top 3, marking his resurgence into the eCanadian scene.

The CSD/CNC (9) Party...or 'EPIC' as they are rumoured to be set to call their new party continued their 3 month improvement. They languished with a 4-7 seat count most elections while the CPF was getting seats in the 13 area. All that has changed and the combined power of the CSD and CNC got them 9 seats. Most of them are active players so I expect to see them in Congress debate soon. Not much to write about here because of the transition to a new Party which is said to be "coming soon". We look forward to seeing the new manifestation of the two parties - CSD/CNC and what they bring to the eCanadian political landscape in the future.

The UNION Nationale (5), after continuing to tout their size and beating their chest about how great they because of their member count are continue to fail into translating that into political power. This probably has something to do with being a region specific party. Without the SVT, they don't get any votes outside of Quebec. After having two of their Candidates busted for multi last term we looked to see an improvement. We're still looking. SpockPQ was the most - and practically only member of the UN who showed up consistently for Congress and is the only reason why I keep Google translator on an open tab. He usually has something of substance to add, but during the last session he too fell to partisan jabs - (I daresay he started having fun).

Still, it was disappointing to have the UN engaging in negative ads - other then this party it was an entirely clean election. Maybe they'll learn that negativity won't translate into a win and maybe they won't. Fact of the matter is they won't ever really rise above their current contribution in Congress, no matter how many n00bs they "recruit" (they have more low XP members than even the DAL...) This comes with the territory of being a region specific party. Let's hope they don't lose any more members to multi account schemes this month, or the return of France causing e😜ats to return to their 'Belle Pays'.

The CPP (5) elected two "Long Swords", Ralph Kline and 00AngryMobMan00 (It should be noted that one need not be in the CAF to have been a "Long Sword", as we saw this phenomenon spread all the way into the dPMO). Neither have been terribly active in Congress before but perhaps they are invigorated by their "rebellion" and I look forward to seeing them in Congress this term. Alias Vision continues his Party world tour and wins a spot in Congress, marking him as a serious Congress veteran with his 11th ticket to the Big House. He is consistently a voice of reason and I for one look forward to him contributing to Congress in the economic debates, an interest which he has shown great enthusiasm for recently - even if it is somewhat biased in my opinion at times.

In Conclusion

I TRULY hope we can begin this session with mutual respect for all members of the House and refrain from continuing the degradation that began in Congress 2 months ago and had spiraled completely out of control last month. Yes, I too was part of that problem. I was "named" by Jacobi, the Speaker and suspended for 5 days for telling Caesaroo to go ____ himself in a deleted thread reason definition thingy. Did he have it coming? Yeah. Should I have refrained? Yeah. Have I learned? Yeah. You all know me - I have my 'way'. I always let you know where you stand with me and I don't hold any punches. In fact I usually mash peoples face into a pulp until I am pulled off by superior numbers. Way I am...

"But I'm trying Ringo - I'm trying REAL hard."">