Australia saved from PTO – PHX suffers backlash as two member nations go to war.

Day 930, 13:49 Published in USA USA by Sossu

With the help of Eden and American Anti Take Over-units, Australia, a member of the Brolliance, has been saved from an Indonesian PTO-attempt. Australia and Indonesia form one of the pairs of nations in eRepublik who can’t become friends under any circumstances. There is only abhorrence and anger between them and this confrontation has spurred many great wars with far-reaching consequences.

During the early days of eRepublik, Indonesia strengthened their position by attacking and conquering the practically undiscovered lands of Australia and South Africa. After securing the entire Southern Hemisphere for themselves, Indonesia ultimately attacked Argentina during Operation French Toast, effectively defeating the full ATLANTIS MPP-set when they were distracted in France, and early defeats forced Argentina to succumb and surrender, joining PEACE and abandoning ATLANTIS, speeding the evolution of ATLANTIS becoming a mainly European alliance, while PEACE had member nations nearly on every continent. The height of the Indonesian empire was reached when they waged a successful war against another superpower, Romania, and showed them off from Asia in a string of battles some older players still consider to be the most epic battles ever fought. Indonesia played a major part in the invasion of America, conquering a dozen states alone against all of USA’s MPP😒.

Indonesia at the very height of their power.

After achieving virtually everything possible, Indonesia slowly began to stagnate and fall in to decline. Indonesia finally had to humble when America invaded California, though they needed two battles to defeat Indonesia. Facing growing international pressure, Indonesia had to hand over Western Siberia, the most valuable region back then, back to the Russian original owners. Indonesia recognized the new situation they were and started to systematically return the vast possessions they held in Australia and China. Bracing for a subsequent American attack on their homeland, Indonesia aimed to reduce their outer possessions to few valuable regions. They forged a deal with Australians about returning the bulk of Australian lands, though leaving the economically important Western Australia under Indonesian occupation and denying Australia to align with forces hostile to Indonesia.

After introduced to the Asian theatre, USA targeted the PEACE fortresses, including Indonesian Karnataka, now the sole source of iron for them. Indonesia does not possess a large army, but instead relies to an extremely powerful tank division. This structure is proven to be efficient when it is an absolute must to win a single battle, but doesn’t hold off a prolonged invasion due to the astronomical cost it carries. Realizing USA can attack Karnataka again and again until finally emerging victorious, Indonesia retreated the first battle and saved resources for a new campaign. After losing Karnataka, Indonesia fell in to the most depressive period of time during their existence. Population dropped under 8000, economy was in the shitter and Indonesia was boxed inside friendly nations and threatened by an invasion. Indonesia however rose from the depression by attacking Malaysia, and only narrowly losing when France defended Malaysia from capitulation.

Meanwhile, Australia had grown to be a sizeable nation, starting to question the Indonesian presence in Western Australia and refusing to act as a servant to the declined Indonesia. The dissent culminated when the PM of Australia invited Eden to wipe out the occupation and liberate the region. This drastic move ended the unilateral relationship between Australia and Indonesia, and Australia joined Eden and Brolliance, becoming a staunch ally for the Allied nations.

During the war for South Africa, Australia attacked Indonesia’s homeland, triggering a full Phoenix MPP-set. Indonesia took it in to use and managed to conquer Western Australia yet again. Indonesia fooled Australia to sign peace right after the battle, effectively leaving Western Australia to the hands of Indonesia, but Eden forces had an easy task to invade it back only three weeks afterwards when Operation World in Flames created enough distraction on other fronts and Indonesia was left alone to defend by their allies. The successful liberation brings us to this day, as Indonesia aimed to change tactics and culminate their efforts of invading Australia by more cunning means as direct military conflict was ruled out.

During the last months, many Indonesians have posed as friendlies, seeking Australian passports and after claiming them, ran for congress and gave more citizenships to Indonesians with the intention of conquering the political system and turning Australia in to a nation ran by Indonesian puppet government. A well-known Indonesian tank, sandygee, tried to run for president in May but her party was removed from top-5 after Admins ran a search which exposed and banned enough multiaccounts to drop the party.
This month they were better prepared, and the 6 hour post-election check didn’t find any multis. Indonesians ran excessive campaigns to mislead the Australian public and slander the true Australian candidate, widdows9000.
The aggressive foreign policy of Indonesia has pushed the Pacific sub-alliance Sol to the arms of Eden, and all neighboring nations are safeguarded by Eden MPP😒. I find it sad that a nation so powerful once has to degrade themselves in to using PTO and disgraceful misinformation as means to expand their territory. The operation failed by a fair margin of 115 votes in favor of widdows9000.

Australians won this month, but the threat will continue to loom over them. From now on they have to have pre-elections in forums so the country can unite behind one candidate in order to guarantee a safe Australia ruled by natives in the future as well. An Indonesian president might very well result to the entire country being retreated to Indonesia, and if they manage to rule Australia in their entirety for a full month, citizenships become free to obtain by anyone and this would ultimately mean the permanent destruction of Australia.

Distress in Phoenix as Baltic conflict escalates in to war.

During the past week, Phoenix’s headquarters have had a headache about two Baltic nations, Estonia and Latvia, whose quarreling has grown in to a full scale war. The two neighboring PHX members share a difficult relationship, as the presence of Finland adds pressure to Estonia’s end, which in turn reflects to Latvia’s geopolitical situation.

Latvia, who are a reasonably sizeable country has suffered from boredom as they are boxed inside friendly nations. Occasional attacks on Finland offered some pleasure, but Estonia got fed up of swapping Latvia through their regions in order to reach Finland and ultimately refused to continue. The region of Pohja-Eesti is the bottleneck region between Finland and Estonia, but it is also the most valuable region as high grain is located there, and it is the Estonian capital where most new players start their game from. Having Latvia there posed as a security threat and the constant losses of hospitals drained the Estonian economy. Latvia naturally got fed up when Estonia denied them the only possibility to wage war, and when Estonians accused Latvia from stealing 12,000 EEK (Estonian currency) during the swaps, a diplomatic crisis was bound to born between the two nations.

The Latvian president, desperate to keep player retention high, then escalated the crisis by claiming that Estonia has plotted with Eden and purposely blocked Russia during Operation Valhalla V2, or the invasion of Norway with the help of a PTO:ed president. This caused Russia to halt their advance coming from the north, and the two Finnish regions Estonia held in order to reach Russia were an easy prey for the Eden Mobile Corps, turning the campaign in to Operation Failhalla. Estonia asked for the war between Latvia and Estonia to be closed so trade could freely flow, but Latvia refused the peace offer and instead attacked Estonia shortly afterwards. Attacks on member nations of the same alliance where the offender also belongs are extremely rare, with the exception of land swaps and training wars. We have to go back in history and find a similar case between Sweden and Germany, who was a trial member of ATLANTIS. This didn’t hold the Swedes from attacking, and the war ultimately leaded to the collapse of the entire alliance.

Estonian MPP😒 easily fended off Latvians who fought alone, and peace agreements were signed to close the active MPP😒 so Latvia can trade with Russia and Hungary again. Estonia didn’t show any will to counterattack, but instead relies on Phoenix to solve the conflict. Phoenix responded with an ultimatum, demanding Latvia to pay 300G as a punishment and close the war with Estonia or face severe consequences such as removal from Phoenix and even invasion. The former Latvian president promptly rejected the ultimatum, and it remains to be seen if the new president elected 2 days ago decides to solve the matter and succumb. It is also interesting that the high office of Supreme Commander of Phoenix has been handed over to a Latvian, Kurzemes Karalis Kristaps, who may pull off the ultimatum against his homeland.

From a tactical standpoint Latvia would be more valuable to keep. They are bigger than Estonia, hold a strategical position between the Baltic nations and possess a relatively powerful mobile army. It would be a severe setback for Phoenix’s public image though if they decide to ignore Estonia’s pleads and look away from the violation of the Phoenix treaty Latvia has committed.

Finland adds a twist to the conflict by having a divided relationship with both countries. There have been some official offers of help to Estonia, but at the same time many Finnish players, including myself respect Latvia as a gets shit done-type of nation. After all, we created Latvia who were a small wasteland with 30 active players when we invaded a year ago. The Finnish occupation brought thousands of new players and formed the modern Latvia. Still, we share close ties with Estonia in real life, and that’d make us natural allies. In fact, Estonia has felt in several occasions that they are in the wrong alliance, but have their doubts about Finland who have no natural resources and already attempted to invade Estonia few months ago to claim the grain fields in Pohja-Eesti. For now, Finland has stayed out from the conflict despite both nations throwing accusations at each other about plotting with Finland. The other major presidential candidate of Finland had some laughs about the conflict and put both nations to be invaded as his national goals.

While we wait for the final say of Phoenix to the issue, I advise you to read these three great articles made by Dante Alagherii where he interviews representatives from Latvia and Estonia alongside with the former SG of Phoenix to find more information around the matter.

Kaspars09, the former president of Latvia
Mikrouun, an Estonian congressman
Frerk, the former Secretary General of Phoenix

On a side note, these two articles are also worth checking if you want to find more about the real lives of the freshly elected presidents or a look at the unsung heroes of America and Eden.

Real Life of Presidents of eWorld
Acta Sanctorum


This month, Americans can find my writings from the White House Press Release as well, as I’ve been honored with a place in the Media Department of Choc’s government.