[UKGOV] Prime Minister's Reports - Day 6 (1665)

Day 1,666, 00:07 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Hello Britain.

Firstly, here is a link to previous reports published this term;

Day 1 of the Term; eRepublik Day 1660
Day 2 of the Term; eRepublik Day 1661
Day 3 of the Term; eRepublik Day 1662
Day 4 of the Term; eRepublik Day 1663
Day 5 of the Term; eRepublik Day 1664

So, lets begin.

First and foremost; yet again I will be having to oversee a huge military reform. This hugely vindicates my running for President; and I'm more than happy with the plans we have set in motion already. Obviously they will need tweaking, and I'm sure that with a flexible approach we can ensure the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

This update, however, is not like others - because this time, our reform must account for people who aren't in the current Government military structure. Thus, Private, non-government MUs are also affected hugely. Of course, this is something that we'll need to work with; with parties, their MUs, and directly with the more independently minded MUs. Ultimately, I'm sure we can come to a consensus which ensures great supplies and rewards; great damage control; and most importantly a system which ensures the progress our country has made militarily isn't undone.

Economically, today a few 'ghosts' came out. Previous Governments have relied on loans from private citizens; which are now being called in. We're sifting through what we can find, but so far we have identified roughly 70,000 GBP of loans that must be repaid. However, this amount is just to one player - there could ultimately be more owed.

This, if anything, redoubles my absolute commitment to ensuring our tax system is working, which is a nice little segue on towards the amount of income we're making, post-Income tax increases.

Our current income, is looking acceptable. Save for any other huge loans that we need to repay; any other huge military costs (with reforms, come costs, so this may be the case eventually); we are looking in good shape. Our income has, since the change, averaged out at about £51,000 a day; however, its still too soon to know whether this figure will be a ball park figure. There is still huge jumps in our income; with the daily difference normally over £10,000. For the next few days we'll be keeping an eye out to ensure we are either conclusively happy with our income, or we need more tax changes.

The NHS today saw;

- 2 New signups (for month 1)
- 0 acceptances (for month 2)

Mentoring has shot off to a great start; with 6 requests. These have been luckily, matched, with 6 mentors. Hopefully we'll start to see some of the fruits of our knowledge passed along to the next generation.

Finally, here is todays Ministerial report; courtesy of BlueAndEvil and MookieGobu in the Ministry of Retention. I hope you enjoy it, and it provides the information necessary to understand their work.

Read the full report here.

In short, I'd like to again thank everyone for their trust, and work thus far this month. We've got some potential dastardly we can look at militarily, as well as the potential to have a lot of fun. Keep your ears perked for updates on this; but in the mean time, put your thinking caps on. Any, and every part of feedback you can give my Government; is useful. Any suggestions you can give; whether they be military, economic or domestic; are useful.

Much love,