[DepEd] Your First Day in ePhilippines

Day 713, 16:00 Published in Philippines Philippines by roymustang

Hi! It's been long since I wrote an article don't you agree? So, here are some more tips for you new players.

So, its your first day. Notice that you would first receive a welcome note, that is from the President himself! That is ePhilippines official welcoming message for new players and citizens that came from abroad. Now, notice again that a second welcoming message would be sent to you. That is the official welcoming message of the DepEd. It basically covers the necessary forums and sites you need to register and be active to.

You would just need to follow your adviser for your first day. That's him on the upper right corner of the page, his name is Plato known eworlwide. But he just says the basics, what about other things that you need to know? Well we have here in ePhilippines, Plato 2.0. Just known locally in this country, its also known as the Mentoring Program. Here is the link to register and have your very own personal mentor that could help, guide and answer your questions.

Mentee Registration

So you are new. You dont have much friends, just show up and introduce yourself in the forums. I assure you that by the next 24 hours you would have at least 10-15 new friends. Here is the link:


You dont have any food? Why dont you ask me, we will have a trade. You would give me a question and I would give you the answer and a free food. It's a project called Questions for Food that doubles the help it could give to new players like you.

You dont have a work? Just contact our DoHA director, Nikko_33. Im sure he has and would always have a vacant position in our government companies just for you! Or you can write a new topic in the forums saying that you need work. Or manually find one here

You want to have a newspaper? You cant, at least for now. The newspapers give you an advantage in showing your personal opinions to other people. Use it wisely and carefully. You might get nasty criticisms for something you wrote in your paper.

You want to buy a company? No,no,no. Having a company is hard work. Plus, it could backfire and you might end up bankrupt. Organizations are mostly used to handle companies and no, dont buy an org yet. Its just your first day, dont get too much excited.

You want to be a soldier also? In your first day, I know you cant fight yet. But you could always have a space in the Armed Forces when you can already fight. It gives you loads of advantages, free weapons and free moving tickets. Here is the link:


You want to have a political life also? Why not join a party? Of course you cant join yet, but use the time to think which party should you go. The Filipino Progressive Movement (FPM), which had a lot of previous presidents coming from this party. The Kilusan ng Makabayang Pilipino (KMP), which houses most of the congress members every election. The Philippines for the Filipinos, ruled by the fun-loving, cool minded gentleman I have ever known in ePhilippines, Anarchist. The Filipino Labor Party, ruled by the ever needed and respected Ezex Lacroa. The 5th Filipino Party from which Reclusive Monkey came from.

You want to be a congress member? Woah,woah hold your horses! Its just your first day. Keep in mind that being a congress member would need a lot of skill and responsibility. Every vote you cast on a proposal lies the future of ePhilippines.

What?! Now you want to be the president?! It even takes greater responsibility to run an enation. Keep in mind that even our greatest statesmen would not even dare to run to be a president.

If you want to read the history of ePhilippines, go ahead check it out. Here is the link:


Here are some terms that you need to know also:
PTO-its Political Takeover. Its like a corrupt politician except much worse.
Wellness-see your body and below it a number? that's your wellness. wellness is needed to do stuff and it determines how efficient you are in working in your office and in fighting.
Gold-that's the game's universal currency. it is also the highest currency in eworld, if you have many gold then you are rich.

Hope that helps. That basically covers what you need to know for your first day as a citizen of ePhilippines. CLICK HERE TO JOIN the official ePhilippine forums

Here are some links and articles important also:
Little Guide to eRep
Fight for Wellness sake
Wellness Tips Part1
Wellness Tips Part2
Read me or DIE

P.S. those who want to help the DepEd in helping new players can register here:
Mentor Registration
Welcoming Committee -by adding more names or reply saying you want to join
or just send me and Ariel David Buena a message

Sincerely yours,
roymustang, DepEd Associate director and congress member