Day 700, 07:10 Published in Philippines Philippines by Revilo X

I have travelled the islands of ePhilippines, from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao including Palawan, and I've noticed that there are high levelled citizens that didn't even know how to fight. They just maintain their wellness at around 40+ to 50+, knowing that it was enough.

I must say, even I, was also a victim of ignorance in this game. Upto level 10, all I do was Eat, Work and Train. I confessed that I really didn't bother to read articles, wiki or news.
So I decided to make this article, for the newbies.

Question: How can we deliver these articles to the newbies if they don't even bother reading the articles?
Answer: I request for the company owners, specially those who are accepting 0-1 skill to be involved in giving information to their employees. You can atleast talk to your new hires, or even give the link of Roymustang's articles and this article, for them to be informed.

When we first sign up in the New World of Erepublik, some old man thought us to upload avatar, to buy / consume food, to find job, to work and to train. So basically, these are the basic steps that we know of this game.

-In buying food, do not buy one (1) piece per day. We can stock foods in our inventory for a maximum of 20.

-In finding a job, we must consider applying with a Quality 1 (1 Star) company, to avoid losing too much wellness early in the game.

-Train, train, train. Our target here is to have atleast 40 wellness when we get to level 5.

If we start it right, let say, you found a Quality 1 Job, you have stock foods in your inventory, and you are training everyday. In just 4-5 days, you will be level 5 and you still have more than 40 wellness.

Question: Why is it important that you have atleast 40 wellness at level 5?
Answer: Because at level 5, you can start fighting in wars. But here is a catch, you can only fight if your wellness is not below 40.

Question: How do we know if there is War / Traing War happening in our country?
Answer: We can see it in the Latest Events section of our fisrt page. Ex: "X country attacked Y country" or "A resistance has started in Y country".

Or, we can also go to "My Places / Army / Show active wars /and then search for your Flag in the drop down menu. From there you will see active and sometimes inactive wars.

Question: How do we fight?
Answer: After you search for the active war that our country is involved, click "Details"

then "Go To Battlefield"

and then "Fight".

After you fight you can "Go Back to Battlefield"

Then click on "Hospital"

and from there you can see the "Heal Button".

Note: You can only use the Hospital, once a day after you fight in war.

Healing in hospital will give you 10 to 50 wellness depending on the Quality (Star) of Hospital that is built in the region where you are residing.

-A Q1 Hospital will give you 10 wellness = We have this in Luzon and Mindanao
-A Q2 Hospital will give you 20 wellness = none
-A Q3 Hospital will give you 30 wellness = none
-A Q4 Hospital will give you 40 wellness = we have this in Vizayas
-A Q5 Hospital will give you 50 wellness = we have this in Palawan

With the given Quality of Hospitals that we have per region, it is very advisable to reside in PALAWAN to maximize the Q5 Hospital that is built there.

Question: How do we change residence?
Answer: First, you need a Moving Ticket to change residence.
Next, go to your profile page and from there you will see a link "change" below your location.
After that, Choose the country and region where you want to go. For example: Philippines, PALAWAN.

Now that we know how to change residence and fight.I will give you a "scheme" that was taught to me by a "wise man" when I was starting. Please use this as a guide also.

Sample scheme:

Day 1 (you're level 5, and your WP should be 40+)
Current Stats: 40 WP, 25 exp
1.) MOVE to Palawan, Philippnes (-2 WP)
2.) FIGHT 1x (-10 WP) (+2 exp)
3.) HEAL (+50 WP)
4.) WORK (-1 WP) (+1 exp)
5.) TRAIN (-1 WP) (+2 exp)
6.) STOP for the day

Net Gain: (+36 WP) (5 exp)
Current Stats: 76 WP, 30 exp

Day 2 (If you have Q1 foo😛 +1 WP)
Current Stats: 77 WP, 30 exp
1.) WORK (-1 WP) (+1 exp)
2.) TRAIN (-1 WP) (+2 exp)
3.) FIGHT 3x (-30 WP) (+6 exp)
4.) HEAL (+50 WP)
5.) STOP for the day

Net Gain: (+18 WP) (9 exp)
Current Stats: 95 WP, 39 exp

Day 3 (If you have Q1 foo😛 +1 WP)
Current Stats: 96 WP, 39 exp
1.) FIGHT 5x (-50 WP) (+10 exp)
2.) HEAL (+50 WP)
3.) WORK (-1 WP) (+1 exp)
4.) TRAIN (-1 WP) (+2 exp)
5.) STOP for the day

Net Gain: (-2 WP) (+13 exp)
Current Stats: 94 WP, 52 exp

Then keep repeating Day 3 scheme.
The trick is, to FIGHT till you're wellness is 40+, HEAL, WORK, TRAIN and STOP. So you'll maintain a 90+ wellness.

I think that's all for now.
I also suggest other useful articles from the Department of Education.
Wellness Tips
Wellness Tips 2

For questions, suggestions or reactions, please feel free to message me.

Special thanks to, The wise man who helped me when I was starting. (clues? I think he loves number 33)

Revilo X
Congress member, Deputy Speaker of the House