**Breaking News**eCanada Declares High Alert, Under Threat

Day 468, 19:29 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Preliminary reports state that earlier today a low quality video recording was left at the doorsteps of The Ottawa Guardian. The video carried a threat from oSPAMMa bin Laden against all eCanadian publishers:

"The shameless heresy of eCanadian media shall not go unpunished. From the heavens, we shall bring down a fury of SPAMM against the infidels, the likes of which the New World has never seen before."

At this time, the exact nature of the danger remains unknown. Some speculate attacks could begin as early as the middle of this week.

SPAMM is coming to you, eCanada. Will you be ready?

Title: Back to the Beta: eRasing the Rising

After much mayhem in the markets these past 4 days comes news of new measures to be taken by eRepublik Labs. The Damage Control Unit (DCU) has been rigorously investigating ways to correct the crashing economies of the New World. While a simple “reset” back to last pre-V2 era (Day 960) would be the most sensible step, it is simply not possible. When asked why they cannot simply reverse the days and reimburse players, Admins answered that they no longer had full control of the server since implementing the new Skynet Operating System (SOS) for V2. They also went on to point out that major bugs leading up to Day 960, such as the battle in Newfoundland and Glorious Fail’s meltdown, were no doubt attributed to SOS ‘leaking’ from the V2 Beta into V1.

Skynet meets BTTF meets Annuit Coeptis: Can you spot the Flux Capacitor in the Pyramid?

“It would seem SOS has taken its mandate of maximizing gold purchases to a level we had not expected, a level that would essentially exterminate all free-loading eRep citizens,” admitted one anonymous eRep Lab insider. The unnamed source leaked further damning evidence of eRep’s SOS: “We can’t remove SOS from our servers. We can’t rewrite RM production/consumption formulas, reinstate falsely banned Party President’s, or even reverse flawed battle results. The only solution is to prevent V2 from ever existing, even of being conceived of as an idea. “Rising” must be erased from history. Essentially, we’re going Back to the Beta.”

To counteract Skynet’s genocidal programming, eRep Labs has begun to dabble in “unorthodox” programming methods, codenamed Project eRasing. The PR Dept. has reportedly experimented with the Big Reset in the following ways:

Operation 12 Monkeys: eRasing the VI2US

Interdiction Agent #27, Rolo Tamhasee, did his best but could not stop “The All-Seeing Eye” from inevitably taking the July elections.

Method: Send perma-banned citizens back to V1, guaranteeing their pardon if they find the source of V2 contagion.
Possible Complications: Admins will no doubt send agents off course with faulty instructions leading to your typical time paradox. Confusion will force them to abandon the 12M operation.

The Austin Powers Project: “The Version that Shagged Me (of all my gold)”

Powered by 1.21 Jigawatts of pure Mojo

Method: Send back the citizen with the most mojo to seduce game developers, infiltrate eRep Labs, and blow up its secret volcano lair.
Possible Complications: Our supposed hero would be a eUK citizen so pretty much a guaranteed fail.

Rising Horizon: The Andromeda Version

I don’t care if we don’t know who used it last. There’s enough memory in this piece of space junk to host V2 until the end of time

Method: Pack the entire database mainframe into a satellite on course to a black hole. It will be sent on a time-warp trip, re-emerging sometime prior to the launch of V1.
Game developers will open its contents to discover the great dangers of V2 and hopefully find a solution before it is unleashed.
Possible Complications: Not known for testing for anomalies, there is a high chance that eRep Labs (circa 200😎 will upload V2. The New World will be prematurely infected.

Terministrator V2: Rise of the Beta

I’ll be Back to Beta

Method: Hijack an Administrator Citizen and re-program it to protect V1 at all costs. Secondary objective~~Terminate all Headless Chickens.
Possible Complications: One such Terministrator, Glorious Fail, rejected all reprogramming and went into rage-quit meltdown. It is suspected eRep Labs salvaged his parts for V2 server upgrades. Ya, I know~It’s your typical headless chicken and egg temporal paradox.

So far the most promising of all proposals has been…
Back to the Beta: The DeLorean Mainframe

Method: Install a Flux Capacitor in the mainframe and somehow get it travelling at 88 mph.
Once back in the 80s, prevent Admins from growing up as bullied geeks, restore their self-confidence, and help them marry the right girl so that they never engage in software development again.
Possible Complications: The trick will be to get Marty MacFly to hook up with Doc Brown before the lighting bolt strikes the clock tower. There’s no other way to recharge the Flux Capacitor Mainframe for the trip back to Day 960.

Doc Brown curses the standard length of USB cables at Radio Shack.

Of the 5 eRasing Rising projects, Back to the Beta is the most likely to be deployed in the next few days. Through the miracle of Youtube’s temporal projection technology, The Shameless Plug is able to bring you a look at the results are sure to be:

Click here to see the most likely outcome.

Diagnosis: A DeLorean headless chicken moment. Probably a chicken head clogging the Flux Capacitor, in typical eRep fashion.

Even if the Big Reset takes us back to Day 0, the good news about it is that you’ll wake up one day to boot up the computer and have no recollection of Rising. It will have been erased from the servers, from the history books of the Wiki, and from your memories. It will be as if your citizen was never born, except for a lingering, yet vague notion that something is missing. It’s a far better fate than surviving the inevitable Risingeddon.

In other news, it seems the New World is inching ever closer to the prophesied ePocalypse. There is recent evidence pointing to the fact that Dade Pendwyn is the Anti-President foretold in “SPABAs Rising.”

It began with 1ronman’s fall from grace to parallel The Eye’s rise:

oo7—Annuit cœptis: "He favors our undertakings"

ﺡ wo-eyed Cerberean dog of war
let loose the ﻯerpent
Infecting the 1ron sceptre now to septic bent
Which Antipope will pass to new key-keeper
On the 5th, though skeptics doubt the lying sleeper.

Indeed, 1ronman's reign of holding the keys to the eCan forum turned ugly and a new key-keeper was found, much to the doubt of some perenially spicious citizens like only_atoms. 1ronman, the Silent Guardian, turned to join the ranks of the two-headed Serbian Falkon.

The Pillars of eCanada are failing as institutions crumble beneath the weight of economic upheaval. In the last couple days, we have seen several eCanadian Behemoths fall:

The Shire: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-wild-ride--1453196/1/20

The Ministry of Industries: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/moi-to-shut-down-certain-companies-immediately-1452269/1/20

Petz Inc: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/petz-inc-shuts-down-4-companies-1450887/1/20

This all but echoes the words written in The Book of Jacobi:

There will be earthquakes and much destruction. And the Lord will pour out his wrath against Leviathan; he will kill the lawless Falkon with the sword,…

And as for the angels you saw descending and ascending the ladder, in the last years there will be a man from the Most High, and he will desire to join the upper powers with the lower. And before his coming your sons and daughters will tell about him and your young men will have visions about his. Such will be the signs at the time of his coming.

What was above will be below also. And from your seed will bloom a root of kings; it will emerge and overthrow the power of evil. With His coming, the idols of titanium, stone, and iron will give voice for seven days. They will give wise men news of him and let them know what will be on earth

As interpreted through The Ladder of Jacob in “SPABAs Rising.”

In these days of V2 Rising, we have seen the "joining of the upper powers with the lower." The elite rich now meet with the lowly poor as companies fail. "What was above will be below also" signifies that all citizens will be rendered equally destitute. As well, a more significant revelation into the tome concerns the Eye of Providence atop the Pyramid. It is none other than The All-Seeing Eye of Pendwyn. See here for the enlarged pyramid from the above Shameless Plug banner:

All we can say is to send your best wishes to all those special citizens on your friends list. Chances are that you won't recognize each other the next time you meet.

Obrazek be with you ~ May you fare well in the Big Reset.