[S-News] Japan - The part our CP didn't tell you

Day 1,765, 05:22 Published in Belgium Belgium by shadowukcs

Hi eBelgian citizens

I was literally shocked 2 days ago when I read this article 2 days ago. Shocked by the fact how our government and CP (seeing as he has end approval over this and he's responsible for his gov) are blind wiki copy-pasta's or at the grand spin they gave that article. But also shocked by how many idiots we have that didn't read the second part and go all "hail Japan", "voted!", "love japan", "y so kawaiiii"

"The only interesting thing in this article", I wrote, "was the interview". And I wasn't lying.

Anyone properly reading the article must have noticed the contrast in it. The first part paints a jolly happy happy Japan, where trivially at the end of the first part is mentioned "oh yea and they're occupied", acting like it's no biggie.

The second part, the interview, paints a more realistic side of eJapan: a dark depressing side.

Allow me to do the job our government should have been doing (or rather, was afraid to be doing) and give you the real update on Japan. This update is entirely based on talks I had with current eJapanse and former eJapanse citizens. As always everyone has different opinions and a different view on situations, I tried to go as much with the mainstream of my answers as possible. I am no expert on Japan. All I wrote here is the direct results of info I gathered from talking to various current and former eJapanese citizens.

I'll continue where our CP stoppe😛


None (Currently occupied by Republic of China (Taiwan)"

seems kind of vague for an informative article, no? Am I the only one who had questions with this small, barely noticeable paragraph in that article?

time for more explanation

The reason why our alliance brother is occupied is because South Korea (that other alliance "brother") got invaded by RoC Taiwan. eJapan, helpful as ever decided aid it's alliance brother and attacked RoC (taiwan). Behind the back of Japan, SK made a deal with RoC that allowed them one region that Japan wasn't aware of. Before they knew it, RoC invaded Japan as well and got them wiped. SK offered no help whatsoever and didn't even notify eJapan of this deal. Auwch, talk about planting a knive in someone's back!

10/10 for alliance communication and brotherhood, rite? Let's Hail CoT a bit, shall we?

Belgian population, bowing down like sheep and believing everything their government says

During this war a solution presented itself to aid eJapan: eFrance (not even a member of CoT) would Aistrike eJapan, creating an island for Japan to RW and free themselves. Unfortunately, some alliance members didn't liked the idea of France interfering, there was discussion about this in Japan as well (some, wrongfully, believed it to be a evil scheme of france to invade them) and by the time a decision was made it was already too late for both Japan and France.

10/10 for alliance communication speed.

Many people left eJapan after this, gave up their CS and moved to various other places. All those are left are mainly the "weeaboos", who have been described to be by pretty much all my sources me as "a bunch of lunatics who think they're a RL anime character and take their role playing to a disturbingly mental point". That and a big bunch of Serbians. In fact, I've been told by several of my sources that if eJapan would ever free themselves, they would be under Serbian control in no time.

Just so you know who we are dealing with here when we refer to Japan, rite. but I'm sure if our beloved President who wasn't lazyy... too busy to do proper research knew all of this too. right, Nohjis?

Japan today: Japan today is pretty much fucked. Backstabbed by an alliance member, the country became a pot of internal conflict and vendetta's, resulting in some poor decisions and 90% or so of their population leaving. What remains are a bunch of Role players and Serbian PTO'ers. Prospects of freeing themselves, if ever possible, will only result in Serbian dominance.

That, my dear friends, is the side of the story Nohjis was too lazy to research or didn't wanted you to know. Why? Because he prefers to keep the curtain up, telling you how wonderful CoT is and how well everything is going. In reality we are in an alliance that released it's last article or form of communication over a month ago and have a president who thinks his citizens are a bunch of idiots by making a "presentation of our allies" and just blindly copy-pasting the out-dated wiki page like some world war2-era propaganda piece

Disclaimer: one more: I am no expert on eJapan. All this info here is what I gathered from various talks with various current and eJapanese citizens and (former) ministers/keyfigures. There will probably be people with different opinions on certain matters, that is possible, I just wrote down what they told me. Which is a hell of a lot better than the copy-pasta introduction our government wrote anyway.

Update on last articles. In my article of 6 days ago I complained that our SO's where still in eUSA. Nearly 2 weeks after initial complaints, we're glad to see the government finally got off their lazy ass and managed to get 1 SO into a 100% country. Now lets hope we don't need to wait another 4 weeks for the other two.

About the Journalist

Shadowukcs, one of the (if not thé) oldest, still, playing player in this game is a very controversial person: hero to some, dissident to others, butt to many,...a outspoken person. Known for his experience in Alliances (he co-founded 2 alliances, led 1, secret agent in another one,...) and never lasting criticism, this man who won 2 ( and nearly 3 until those bloody admins nerfed it back) Media Mogul medals and more once had articles score over a 3000 votes.

He refuses to write mainstream articles and will uses his pen as a Q7 gun for reforms and a better eBelgium.

Just another journalist who doesn't like Presidential lazyness
