[EXTRA] Tragedy Has Befallen Us, May We Never Forget

Day 1,725, 09:25 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233
Fitting Music

Almost exactly three score and seven years ago (on August 9th, 1945), a great tragedy fell Japan, the bombing of Nagasaki by US Forces. Another tragedy has just befallen our great nation within the New World in erepublik.

So, I went to sleep late last night (3:00 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) or so, or 0:00 Erep Time) after Alfred Ball and Fruitcommando's resignation and desertion of the Japanese government, thinking that was all that we had in store in terms of a change in government, boy was I wrong. Great tragedy has befallen this great nation. Our community on the forums has been purged of all recent records of discourse on the forums due to the actions of our CP, a supposedly trusted individual, a supposed emperor and our Country President, Nowe. I truly trusted our administration to run this country properly. Despite my reservation, I followed their actions with support, yet faced with a gloom situation and future, they have acted in cowardice.

The Why

To those unfamiliar with why this has all occurred, let me give my explanation of why I believe this has all happened. Alfred Ball, Nowe's MoFA (Alfred Ball) before he deserted the country was probably working with American higher-ups and members of Circle of Trust in this effort to save South Korea, a CoT member, from the Taiwanese. However, South Korea elected not to be saved (by the choice of the CP, KOR_Sohn) and only wished to coordinate treaties with the Taiwanese, remaining mostly under their control. Thus, the whole campaign was for naught, and in embarassment, shame, and possibly dread at the situation, I believe that Alfred Ball and Fruitcommando deserted us.

Afterwards, Nowe, who had been following Alfred Ball's recommendations of war must've felt used and abused. Thus, looking upon our situation with dread, he likely decided to ragequit, destroying our forums in the process.

Shall we never forget this day; may it remained ingrained in all of our hearts. The events of August 9th and 10th must be recorded in history as some of the greatest tragedies ever to befall Japan.

The Future

Despite the tragedy that hit us today, we should look at the bright side, it gives us a chance to start this country off again with a clean slate. We must now rebuild. Sumeragi Akeiko has taken the oath of office and is now working as acting president until Nowe may be impeached in 5 days or so. At that time, Tetsuya Tameru should take the reins by default. I hope he can lead in leading this country to a better future. In all honesty, I wish I was the one who would become the next acting CP despite the fact I'm going to only be semi-available as I know I would remain faithful and put my all in for Japan and Japan alone, despite the odds. Truth be told though, that's not going to happen, not until at least next month. Semper Fi, eJapan.

In any case, more events have occured as well, Akki has left the office of MoF because of disdain for Sumeragi Akeiko, the acting CP (Addendum: although he is apparently willing to take the reins again when Tetsuya is CP). I personally find this repulsive for someone who is a lifetime citizen of this country. We are in dire times, and someone of his experience deserting his office just because of a grudge is a shameful act in this time of great peril.

Thus, I personally extend my hand as a citizen to help rebuild this nation. There are several things I intend to do.

Run for Party President of Sakurakai

Sakurakai needs a leader to lead it in these troubling times. As a founding member during the days of Kenji Li, it is my belief that I can lead the party today. It is my intent to improve the party as it is, a active loyal platform with RP and politics where all members will be respected, where honest work is appreciated and where anyone can find their place in the politics of Japan. 輝く日本のために! (For a Shining Japan)

Offer to Work in the Cabinet

I furthermore extend my hand towards the acting president to help her out in these times of need. I believe I would be capable of running as MoF or vMoF to take Akki's place, despite my lack of experience (I have a Bachelor's in Math and I promise that I would handle our country's finances with great care and accountability). Furthermore, if the administration would like me in a separate position, I would consider it as well. I hope to be considered.

We have a long and difficult road ahead of us Nippon. RoC is probably going to take a few of our regions and we have a large amount of work to do in the days ahead, but try not to get discouraged, challenges build strength, and with strength comes greatness, we must fight on! Now is not the time to sit around and commit political seppuku, if anything, this is a chance for new faces to take prominence in our community. For the Glory! For the Great Empire of Japan!

That's all for now folks. Please vote up this article if you liked it and feel free to subscribe to my personal newspaper, Gougai/号外/Extra for more of my articles. Also feel free to leave a comment, thanks!