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Seeking Diamond Contract

0 Ziua 649, 09:44 Publicat în Brazil Brazil

I am hoping to purchase 200 base units of diamonds daily, if you or someone you know can help me out... PM me.

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Seeking Diamond Contract

0 Ziua 649, 09:43 Publicat în Peru Peru

I am hoping to purchase 200 base units of diamonds daily, if you or someone you know can help me out... PM me.

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10 Ziua 646, 19:00 Publicat în Peru Peru

I have sold the Grosseteste Iron company 102 gold. Good transaction. Now that I've got some money I'll be starting a weapon company in Greece. Bye all!!! Peru has treated me nicely, so I figure I should give back. The first three newbs to respond

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Selling Q3 Grosseteste Iron

11 Ziua 645, 18:33 Publicat în Peru Peru

I'm selling a Q3 iron company in the Great Andes (high), Peru. The company has a license to sell in the USA and Romania. The total gold invested is 130... the value I could get out of it if I trashed then sold it would be 74. So, knowing that

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Robert Grosseteste for Southern Low Amazon (Espanol & English)

1 Ziua 644, 12:27 Publicat în Peru Peru


I have chosen to run this campaign honestly with much integrity. I won't make promises during the campaign that I can not keep. I will vote in the interest of the people living in the Southern Low Amazon on all issues that they give me

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