Ambient pornit/oprit


0 Ziua 656, 19:14 Publicat în Peru Peru

Okay, so I left for Greece a while back. Started a weapon, gift, and moving ticket companies. I still have about 50 gold sitting around. I am kind of bored of Greece and am thinking of coming back to Peru. Can anyone advise me on whether or not I

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Who should I vote for???

6 Ziua 655, 21:18 Publicat în Peru Peru

I wonder who I should vote for, Jockey or Jockey? Just one person on the political palate??? What the heck, Peru FAIL!

(No offense meant to Jockey, just the situation.)

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Ethics of Real Life

4 Ziua 653, 21:09 Publicat în Greece Greece

Is it ethically or publically correct to drag real life issues and articles into this game. If so, I will be posting the articles I write for my school newspaper on this site. I am one of four opinion writers and I special in Law, Politics, and

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Where is Greeces' Diamond Supply!!!

9 Ziua 652, 13:13 Publicat în Greece Greece

This is getting ridiculous! There are no domestic/operating gift manufacturers. Other than me it seems that all gifts are made in another country. The reason, no diamond supply! Sure, I can scarp a few diamonds here or there but never enough to make

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Seeking Diamond Contract

0 Ziua 649, 09:45 Publicat în Indonesia Indonesia

I am hoping to purchase 200 base units of diamonds daily, if you or someone you know can help me out... PM me.

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